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Chapter seventeen: Pain in my head

She was a cruel mistress who didn't care who'd be affected by her strenuous acts to fulfil her own legacy, however, the night she spent with Thomas was purely for satisfaction and the bystanders injured would be Collin and Grace.

It was out of the ordinary for both of them to share company with the opposite sex and not indulge in any sinful activities. Perhaps the only rule they broke was being unfaithful, seeing as how they were stringing members along, tugging on their heartstrings when they wanted affection and attention, but at the end of the day, their loyalties only lay with themselves.

Something about Collin was off and there was no way he would've known about her kisses with his enemy. Caroline had only awoken and immediately felt sick to her stomach when she saw Collin retrieve a gun from the bedside unit. He was going to work. He was dressed in black slacks with a coat to suit, but any ordinary job didn't tolerate weapons, so where was he going that required firearm assistance? Who was he working for?

"I need to know right now." She groggily sat up and composed herself from slumber. "Where are you going?"

He breathed a laugh. "Work, of course, darling."

Caroline fought the urge to spill bile from the pit of her stomach, and with the energy she could muster, she slid out of the bed and reached for her gun so quickly that Collin didn't have time to comprehend her stealthy skills. Then, with her face scorned in betrayal, her hands were firm and aimed directly for his chest, to which he could only hide a cower, for he knew she wasn't afraid to pull the trigger.

"Do not lie to me!"

He shook his head with fear evident on his features. "I don't ask about what you do in your spare time and I would like the equal amount of respect."

"You have no idea what it feels like to have less than equal anything." She growled. "Now, tell me. Who do you work for?"

"I assure you, I only work for my boss and I have no idea what else you could be implying!"

Caroline released the trigger and blew a hole into the wall, just a millimetre from where Collin now stood, shaking in terror. For the spineless fool he was, he gathered the courage to disarm Caroline, throwing her body onto the bed and with his knees digging into the mattress, his pistol was resting against her forehead and she didn't seem to falter. In fact", she seethed so hard that her hot breaths fogged the weapon's steel. He may have had the upper hand, but she would forever be braver than him and she wasn't afraid to remind him of that.

"Need I remind you that I am the one who pulled you out of your rut! The one who helps to provide you with accommodation and money, and this is how you repay me? With false accusations? How dare you!"

Caroline daringly pressed her head further into the gun's barrel. "If it's an apology you are looking for, I suggest you leave at once."

"You know what?" Collin removed himself from above her, smoothed his clothes back down and spoke with dignity. "I don't deserve this anymore, so maybe I will just leave!"

Caroline felt relived. "Is that a threat or a promise, darling?"

"I can't believe this. After everything I've done for you and after everything we've been through together, you're just giving me up so willingly as if it's easy!"

"It is easy." Caroline shrugged. "Time doesn't count for shit. I've known you for a few years and you've turned out to be a hateful bastard and a waste of my time, whereas the people I now know after a few days have turned out to be my new family."

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