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Chapter eleven: Fatal incompatibility

A loud knock on the door tore Caroline off Collin's lower half. It was hard against the door and the urgency behind it caused her heart to stammer against her rib cage. For a second, she wondered if it was Polly coming to bare bad news about her mischievous brother whom she promised to take care of the whole day, but she knew there was only one way to find out.

"Let me get it."

"No, I'll get it."

Caroline winked to Collin who's eyes trailed over every crevice of her naked body, and in all her glory, she wrapped a white bed sheet over her frame in order to conceal the remains of her dignity before running down the stairs to the front door.

When she opened the door, her breath hitched in her throat as Tommy stood, a cigarette hanging from his lips and he barely grazed over her body with his eyes. He'd had enough. Whereas, Caroline, understood why Grace became so jealous and clingy. If she had a man who looked so strikingly handsome, she'd be quite paranoid as well.

"What is it?" Caroline asked, clinging the sheet round her body tighter.

His head hung low, reflecting the blade's silver shimmer in the dismal sunlight. "Take a walk with me."

She half chuckled. "What? Right now? What for?"

"Five minutes. Go."

Without further hesitation, she invited Thomas inside but he declined, saying that he'd wait on the doorstep for her return. By the time she'd made it up the stairs, Collin was already dressed and stood with his hands on his hips, frowning. She barely placed a kiss on his sad lips before pulling a skirt, blouse and cardigan out of the drawer, along with white heels and a white hat.

"Business again?"


"Let me walk you down."

"It's quite alright, Collin."

"I insist."

Caroline sighed and trailed behind Collin, and when he opened the front door, Thomas looked up, emotionless, although his eyes deceived him with a glare and his mouth formed into a scowl. Collin pretty much mirrored the same and he couldn't help but feel immensely betrayed. From what he could remember, Thomas threatened him in his drunken state, but not only that, he was an enemy despite being on civil terms. Why would Caroline be involved with any business with this man?

"Thomas Shelby." Collin tutted. "What business does my girlfriend have with you?"

Caroline had to differentiate the conversation before things got ugly in broad daylight in the middle of a busy street which heaved with civilians. "I'm his barmaid, remember? I'll be back soon, Collin. Goodbye."


For a moment, fear arose in Caroline's chest and paralysed her confidence, causing her hands to sweat profusely, only to be wiped against her skirt and stain the fabric with damp patches. Tommy must have noticed this because he let out a half-hearted chuckle and beckoned for her to sit down.

Caroline glanced around the dark chapel and admired the colourful glass windows, however, no light was being produced through them. They were in the midst of a dismal city and the sun's rays were covered by the factory's thick, suffocating fog. She absolutely despised the dark and something about being locked in a room with Thomas Shelby, an infamous gang leader, unnerved her and made her want to run a mile, though this wasn't his intention, but like she told Oscar, always expect the unexpected.

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