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Chapter two: patriarchy 

Caroline enjoyed being pampered just as much as the next self-entitled rich brat, however, she maintained her independence and with the mention of a chauffeur driving her to her destination, she declined with a sinister giggle, took the keys to her brand new Cadillac and sped off down the countryside lane, heading in the direction of Small Heath.

With her black leather gloves on the steering wheel, her eyes scanning the vast fields that lay ahead, sectioned off by stone walls on either side of her vehicle. She couldn't help but grunt. At first, it was angering that men would throw themselves at her, particularly to do tasks which didn't require effort. Now, it was boring her. With their simple minded brains, they expected her to lack the physical agility to things by herself. Needless to say, she enjoyed watching the colour drain from their faces when she whipped out her gun, aiming right between their eyes, daring them to quiz her endurance once more. She was stronger than all of them combined. She was a Kimber, therefore, she was invincible. 

The factory's smoke licked at her sleek car and she could only pout in distaste, the chemicals would surely taint her precious Cadillac and she may have the money to replace it ten times over, but she couldn't be bothered. She was impatient and couldn't wait forever unless it was someone whom she held close to her heart, but she was yet to meet the man who would change her life, for the better or for the worse.

Collin was a couple of years older than her and they met through her father, indirectly, of course. He had been a member of their clan for awhile and they couldn't take their eyes off each other. The secrecy of the forbidden kisses was enthralling, sending adrenaline coursing through their veins, whether she looked his way or not. Despite their relationship, he was still terrified of her. She was a strong woman who wouldn't hesitate to blow his brains out and his fear was irritating. She longed for a man to have the courage to put her in her place; someone who could handle her and the emotional baggage that came along with her.

Maybe she wanted a man, but she'd never need one. With her finger on the trigger, she remained ferocious and scared half of Birmingham, whether she was a Kimber or not. Rarely, she was involved in the business, though she aspired to be the leader after Billy's inevitable death. She wished her mother could be as strong as she was and maybe she wouldn't have to run away so frequently. No man would look in Caroline's direction, and if they did, they'd turn to stone with her cold gaze. Perhaps she couldn't find another quite like Collin, despite his obvious dread. Possibly, she was stuck with a spineless dog forever.

The residents of the small city looked to her car with awe, many taking steps back in order to keep their toes and admire the beauty and the money that oozed from the engine. On the other hand, some civilians had the audacity to snarl their lip, wondering why a money machine dared to bring such an extraordinary piece of equipment round these parts, but overall, why was a woman driving?

Her long, cheetah fur coat trailed behind her black kitten heels on the cobblestone ground of the monotonous estate. Not a bright colour was in sight. The people shuffled around her, whispering to one another about the appearance of the diamond in the rough. She stood out above all others and with smoke trailing from her rouge lips like serpents to greet the factory's, her thick eyelashes batted, merely glancing to men from the corner of her eye who tipped their hats in her direction. Just the scent of her perfume made it evident that she was a big name.

After Caroline gingerly slipped her gloves from her hands, she rapped the door and was immediately dragged in by the familiar sight of her rugged best friend, Gloria. Greeted by the essence of damp ceilings and rotten wood, she peered round the sparse walls with a sigh. Looking back to the older woman, she noted that Gloria didn't seem to happy with her presence. Wordlessly, Caroline allowed herself to be dragged into the small living room to stand in front of Gloria's father, Jeremiah. 

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