‘Are you alright?’ he asked.

‘Yeah! I'm having a great time! I'm being mean to everyone and having cold showers!’ 

‘So you’re happy to stay like this for another while?’

‘Yeah, sure I am! I'm going to try and find out some stuff tonight. Just to see if there are any conspiracies or anything!’

Harry clapped him on the back. ‘Thanks Neville.’

When breakfast was over, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Draco made their way outside to sit in the sun.

‘Well, how was it last night?’ Ron asked.

‘It was great!’ Draco enthused. ‘The beds are comfortable, the water’s warm and Seamus and Dean are really cool!’

‘Er…why wouldn’t the water be warm?’ Ron asked.

‘Well, you have to take cold showers in the morning down in the dungeons. And down there you get woken up by this really cold breeze! It's just a lot better up in Gryffindor.’

‘Oh right. You have to take cold showers?’ Ron asked, still astounded.

‘Yes.’ Draco said.

Ron burst into fits of laughter. ‘Cold showers!’ he gasped between giggles.

‘Why are you laughing?’ Draco said, in mock upset. ‘We Slytherins are treated awfully! And you Gryffindors are bloody spoilt! I hate my life!’

Ron and Draco fell about laughing, while Harry smiled, Hermione shook her head and Ginny smirked.

‘Thank God it's Saturday.’ Ron said.

‘Why?’ Hermione enquired.

‘Because we don’t have any classes!’

‘We don’t have classes anymore. We’re finished school now!’

‘Oh yeah. Well that sucks.’ Ron frowned.

‘Make up your mind, Ron!’ she smiled.

‘Well, classes suck if you are being forced to be there, but now we know we’re never coming back here after this week.’ he said.

‘Yeah Ron's right. I don’t wanna leave!’ Harry wailed.

‘You just don’t want to leave because you’ll be stalked by the press!’ Hermione laughed.

‘No! Maybe…’

‘Don’t worry; I'll protect you with my auror skills, Harry!’ Ron exclaimed, jumping up and waving his wand around like a sword.

‘Jesus, Ron! What has got into you? You’re extremely giddy today!’ Ginny asked.

‘I don’t know. Leave me alone, or I shall kill you with my auror skills!’ 

They all laughed as Ron hopped around trying to fight with some first years, who looked tremendously scared.

‘Speaking of aurors, has anyone sent away their application forms?’ Hermione asked. Ron stopped hopping and looked worried.

Harry’s eyes widened and Draco flinched. 




‘Boys! You did remember to, didn’t you?’ Hermione pleaded.

‘Erm…well…I meant to.’

‘I just…fuck!’

‘Nope, clean forgot about it.’

‘What are you going to do? The closing date was today!’ Hermione shouted, loud enough to make people on the other side of the tree jump up and run away.

‘What can we do now?’ Harry asked, looking really scared.

‘I don’t know, Harry, but you better do something quick.’ she said, shaking her head.

‘Like what?’

‘I don’t bloody know! Go and get the form and give it to them through the fire for all the good it's going to do know!’ she screamed.

Harry jumped up. ‘Hermione you’re a genius! Come on you two!’

The three ran up to the head pupil’s tower and threw some powder into the fire. Harry put his head in and said, ‘Auror office, ministry of magic!’

His head spun around and landed in the fire of the auror’s office. Someone jumped up from a chair and pointed his wand at the fire.

‘State your name and business.’ he commanded.

‘Er, hi. I'm Harry Potter-’

‘Good Lord, are you really?’

‘Yes, and I was supposed to put in a form for the auror training course, but I forgot to send it. Me and my two friends were hoping that we could possibly hand in here?’

‘You and two friends, you say? Well, maybe you could do it, saying as you’re Harry Potter, but I'm not too sure about the friends.’ The auror said.

‘One of them is the minister’s son. Ronald Weasley.’ Harry pleaded.

‘Oh, that should be fine, and the other?’

‘Draco Malfoy.’

‘Wow! Backtrack…Draco Malfoy?’

‘Yes, Draco Malfoy.’

‘Are you positive?’

‘Yes! He’s here beside me!’ 


‘Yes. Want to see?’ Harry said, rudely.

‘Yes, let him in.’

Draco squeezed his head in beside Harry’s.

‘Hello.’ he said.

‘So you are! Erm, are you trying to play a joke on me?’

‘No! Are you saying that I cannot become an auror because of who my family is? Just look at Sirius Black! He’s a legend in the world of good magic and he was from one of the darkest families in the history of magic! This is discrimination!’

‘Okay, okay. Give me the forms. But if you don’t get anything back, I haven’t been able to do anything.’

‘Thanks, mister. You’re cool.’ Harry said as he and Draco disappeared.

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now