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‘Harry, Harry! It’s here!’

Harry moaned and turned around. Petunia shook him. ‘Come on Harry, the letter from Dumbledore is here!’

Harry woke up. ‘Open it then!’

Petunia fumbled with it and then skimmed through the letter. She started to cry and handed the letter to Harry. He felt awful. This had been her only chance.

‘Dear Miss Evans.

I do recall your situation when you were at school and I for one would be delighted to have you back at school. I also would like to inform you that even thought you are older than all the students, you will be expected to wear the uniform and follow the same rules as the other pupils. I am also suggesting that if you work exceptionally well and take your OWLs this year due to your age. Also, it is possible that if you do really well in your OWLs, you could possibly do your NEWTs this year and finish along with Harry. These suggestions are your decisions to make and if you do not feel that you are capable, you may continue your education normally. I also wish to inform you that Severus Snape is working as a Professor here and that he may treat you unfairly. If there is any conflict between you, you will be forced to leave. You should find enclosed a list of all the books you will need for all your years, only buy the ones for the years you wish to take. You are expected to arrive on the Hogwarts Express like all other students on the 1st September.

Awaiting your reply, 

Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 

‘Aunt Petunia? This is good. Why are you crying?’

‘I’m just so happy, Harry! Do you see what I can do? I can do four years of work in one year and then graduate with you! I will have to try my hardest though!’

‘I know, and you’ll do great, let’s get into Diagon Alley and get your things before Ron and his family come to get us at four.’

‘Oh yes! Come on Harry, get washed. I'll be in the bar waiting for you. Oh, and your book list came this morning too. You can get your stuff as well. Hurry now.’

Harry got out of his bed. He was so pleased for his aunt. She was finally happy and now she was going back to the place she loved the most. She popped her head around the door, ‘could I write back to the headmaster?’

‘Yep, take whatever you need. Just let Hedwig get an hour sleep.’


Harry walked, rather slowly, to the shower to think things over. As he undressed and got into the shower, he thought, the aunt that has ‘hated’ me for the last sixteen years has now told me she loves me and that she is going to come to school with me? This is too weird. It’s brilliant, but weird. I've finally got a living relative that loves me. How would he explain to the people in school, why is aunt, who is in her forties, is in third year and in a school uniform? I'll deal with it.

In the bar, half an hour later, Petunia was itching to get into the shops. She had already been to Gringrotts and took out enough money. Harry laughed at her. She was fidgeting with her hair and with her drink and then she finally got up to go and get Harry. When she spotted him she nearly screamed. 

‘How long have you been standing there? I've been waiting ages! Were you watching me?’

‘Yeah.’ he laughed. ‘You’re so looking forward to this aren’t you?’

‘Yes, now come on. I can't wait any longer. Grab a sandwich, you haven’t had breakfast.’

Harry barely had time to get one bite in his mouth when Petunia pushed him out the door. ‘Eat it on the way. I'm too excited.’ 

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now