Three more Surprises (and Fred and George's)

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Harry landed with a bang on the fireplace of Sirius’ old house. He couldn’t believe he was there again.

‘Harry lad. You better get out of there before the real fire starts again.’

He stepped out just in time and shook the man’s hand. ‘Hi Mad-Eye. How are you?’

‘I'm great! Been catching a few death eaters, doing what I love again. Its fun but I wish it was over.’

‘I wish it was over too. I'm not even allowed to join the order because I'm still at school!’

‘It’s for the best lad. For the best.’

Harry nodded in agreement. He did not want to argue with Alastor Moody. 

‘Harry! How have you been? Well, I hope?’

‘Yeah, fine Mr Weasley. You?’

‘I’ve been the best! Have you heard my good news?’


‘Well, I wouldn’t think so . . . my own children don't know yet... Although I only found out this morning. I'm rambling, aren’t I Harry?’

‘A bit, yes.’ Harry laughed.

He didn’t get much time to laugh though because Mrs Weasley had enveloped him in one of her infamous hugs and for the second time that day, he was being deprived of air.

‘Mrs Weasley, I'm glad-to-see-you but-I-can't-breath!’

‘Sorry Harry dear. I'm just so happy to see you here! Can you see that we’ve redecorated? You knew that of course, I know Ron and Hermione told you. Are you going to be okay? You’ve only got two weeks till school starts anyway. Have you got all you’re books?’

‘Yes, yes I did know. Yes, I'll be fine. Yes I've got all my books. Thanks Mrs Weasley.’

Petunia could see what the twins meant by their mother loving Harry! She walked forward. It’s now or never, she thought. ‘Hi, Mrs Weasley. I'm Petunia Evans, Harry’s aunt. You may remember me from school. We were in the same year?’ she held out her hand for molly to shake it, but she didn’t. She got caught in a hug as well.

‘Oh Petunia! I'm so glad you’ve come to your senses! Of course I remember you! We were like best friends! I wasn’t Molly Weasley then, I was Molly Prewitt, but no matter! Thank goodness I’ve got you back! Oh Petunia! I hear you’re going back to Hogwarts! That’s excellent!’ she let go of Petunia and sighed. ‘Oh! How I missed you!’

This time, Petunia hugged Molly, ‘Yes Molly, I've missed you too! But now we can make up for lost time, eh? I here this place still needs a bit of cleaning done?’

‘Yes, yes. We can do it together, catch up on gossip. Talk about old times. You know. Now, I’ll show you to your room and we can get started. I think we should start from the top.’

‘Yes yes. I find that the best way, don't you?’

Harry laughed as the two old friends made their way upstairs talking about muggle cleaning products. He was quite surprised to find that the two were once best friends but he was glad that his two mother figures got along so well. 

‘Harry Potter! And how is my favourite young man?’

‘Remus! I see its nearing the full moon?’ Harry noticed that Remus was looking rather peaky.

‘Yes, on Saturday. Do I look it?’

‘Well, in all the years I've known you, only myself and S-S-Sirius were able to tell when you were coming into the full moon.’

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now