Chapter 5: ~Change Of Opinons~

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"Hyung, who the hell is she?" asked Jimin, trying to look at me, but I would avert my eyes somewhere else. I looked at Taehyung, especially. He was sitting next to Jungkook. He definitely grew taller. I was shaking, seeing them in front of me once again.

"Taehyung..." I sobbed, running over to him. Hoseok stopped me, blocking. "Excuse me, but who are you?" he asked me. I was going to answer when I noticed Taehyung leaving the room. I gulped, tired. I ran all the way here, only to see him walk away from me.

I knew he knew that it was me. The look in his eyes was happiness, longing, but most of all, pissed.

"I'm-" Jin cut me off. "She's Mi Soo," Jin said, patting Hoseok on the back. Hoseok's smile grew wider and wider until he hugged me ever so tightly that I actually had trouble breathing. "Mi Soo!" I heard everyone shouting, coming over to me to hug me. 

"Where's Yoongi? He should be here-" Namjoon was cut off by Jin covering his mouth. They all knew my past relationship with Yoongi, except for Namjoon. He thought we were good. "He'll be coming soon..." Jin said, awkwardly chuckling.

Jimin didn't let go and neither did Jungkook. "Noona, I missed you so much," They said, almost sobbing. "Why did you leave us without saying goodbye?" They asked me and I chuckled, removing the strand of hair that was on his face, blocking his beautiful eyes.

"I was... hurt at first," I said, recalling the memory of when I saw Taehyung running for his life. Me.

"We all miss you so much," they said, each giving me a kiss on the cheek. I giggled. "Cna I g and talk to Taehyung?" I asked them. Jin knew better.

"I don't know, Mi Soo. This must be all shocking to him. Do you want me to go talk to him first?" I shook my head. "Thanks, Jin, but I think I want him to hear my story first," I said, already heading upstairs. 

Jin just nodded. I turned my back and walked towards the direction Taehyung was in. I knocked on his door. "Who the hell are you?" He asked me. I was hurt. "It's me, Taehyung-ah... I came back," I said.

"You were a year too late," he said, sniffling. 


I tried not to cry as well, trying to be the strong one here. When I left, I knew it would affect Taehyung because I was like his big sister he looked up to. "Taehyung, please-" I could hear him shout inside.

"Mi Soo!" He shouted, crying. I was shocked. Now, the tears were really coming. "I waited and waited, worried that you would leave us! Forget about us!" He shouted.

"I know it was only two years that you left, but those two years were fucking miserable without you..." he explained. "I was left here, questioning myself," he said. "Did she even love me? Will she ever come back? When will she text me?" He asked himself. I could tell he was shaking because he was stuttering.

I sighed, busting open the door. The door broke, looking like someone punched it. 

"I ran over to Taehyung and hugged him tight, tight as if I was going to lose him. That's what scared me the most. "But Jungkook... he saved me from all of that..." He said. I continued crying while I hug his tiny back. He caressed my arm.

"He was the only one keeping me sane for the past two years you were gone," He said. "And they made me realize one thing," he said. He stopped crying and took a look at me while holding my shoulder.

"That I didn't need you," He said. He took one good look at me and walked away like nothing ever happened.

Everything was overwhelming to me. The tiredness, the emotions, the surprises, and this sadness that was making it harder for me to breath. I fell on the ground, my throat enabling me to speak.

I groaned before I passed out. 


Taehyung's P.O.V:

I knew I didn't need her anymore, seeing that I was okay with her gone. Did I go too far? I asked myself. No, she's the one who did. I walked away from her, feeling hatred, but mostly pity. I knew she had a good reason to leave, but... so sudden and without consulting me with it?

I scoffed when I could hear her cry, but I knew deep down inside, I couldn't stand it when her beautiful face was stained with tears. I was crying myself, but I shook it off. 

That was when we all heard a loud thud upstairs. Without hesitation and thinking, we all ran upstairs, thinking of the worst.

I saw Mi Soo, lying on the ground with her face red. I dropped on my knees. "Please... breath..." I said, holding her head towards me. I moved the hair that was covering her beautiful face. "Please stay with me..." I said, crying.

"Jimin, call the mother fucking ambulance!" I could hear the panic and fear in Jin-hyung's voice, which all scared us. I shook Mi Soo to see if she was still awake. I checked her pulse one more time. 

~~~~Beat, beat, beat, beat~~~~

A part of me wanted to cry of happiness, but I was too tired and worried to even do so. I laid there on the ground, letting relief wash over my body. I was chuckling, thinking I might be inside. "Why the hell are you laughing, Taehyung-ah?" They asked me and I told them she's okay and alive.


Your P.O.V:

I woke up in a different room that smelt of bleach and lemons. I hated the smell, so I scrunched my nose up. I sat up straight, trying to figure out where I am. I heard the same speed of beeping and people walking around.

"So, I see you're awake," I heard someone say. I flinched, scared. I put my hand to my heart, only noticing that I had on wires or tubes connected to my veins. I got scared. "Ahh shit. You scared me," I whined, only to find out it was Yoongi.

I rolled my eyes, the "good mood" was completely drained away from my body when I saw his face. "What are you doing here?" I asked him while looking around the hospital room. He sighed, disappointed. 

"Trust me, I didn't want to be here. Jin-hyung insisted that I stay here to watch over you," he stopped and looked at me. "So, we are," he said, tapping his foot on the ground. I clicked my tongue, trying to think of things to say. 

"So, you have a boyfriend?" I looked at him, surprised. "First of all, Min Yoongi, I don't have to answer that question. So, what if I do have a boyfriend?" I asked him, snobby. He scoffed. "I couldn't care in the world!" He exclaimed. I was pissed, causing me to say things I probably should have not said.

"Good, because I do have a boyfriend!" I say on accident. He just looked at me, shocked.

When can I leave and jump off of this building?

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