10. Better than revenge

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  “Lizzy just called,” Liz shouted while getting her bags into the car, “she said Chase will be bringing her to the airport. Oh yes, and she also said I mustn’t tell you.” Best friend code. When I say ‘I won’t tell anyone’, my best friend doesn’t count.

She gave me a look which showed that she was thinking what I was thinking. Annabel must have told her about what she saw.

The drive to the airport was quiet and awkward. We managed to get to the back of the airport without being noticed by anyone. As we got out of the car, I saw Chase and Lizzy standing patiently outside the checking point. I managed to get their attention (with that of a hundred other people) and they were then permitted to pass. I watched as the two strutted towards us.

Lizzy was wearing dark jeggings with a white top. Her pink shoes matched well with her pink cardigan jacket as well as her pink suitcase set. My little angel looked stunning with her shades and light pink lip gloss. Next to Victoria’s next top model, was the prince himself. That’s when the butterflies began. He looked cool in dark jeans, white polo shirt and he too rocked the dark shades. The fact that he was dragging a pink suitcase and carrying a pink bag did not change the fact that he was charming; but made him even hotter.

The girls and I continued to watch the pair walk towards us. By the time they got to us, my little intestinal butterflies and turned to elephants and soon dragons. I literally felt nauseas and charmed by the guy.

Lizzy gave all three of us brief hugs before suggesting that we leave. “Liz, please help Kirstie put these in the jet so long,” Lizzy said; no- demanded. She was literally bossy and her fancy outfit helped with the controlling aura.

When she forced Kirstie and Liz into the plane, I was then sure that she knew about what happened. “Stay right here,” boss Liz instructed, “I need to get something,” then she swayed into the jet like a boss; leaving me with her sexy hunk of a brother.

The awkward vibes were killing. To think we’d all been told what to do by a fifteen year old.

“Hey,” Chase said to break the silence and I smiled in response. “Uhm… about what happened last night…” Chase said at the same time as I said, “What happened yesterday was…”

“Fine, ladies first,” Chase said. “No you go,” I replied. “What I want to say is, I’m sorry. I was such a jerk to do that then let you walk away like that. I’m not sorry for what I did though. Taylor, I fell in love with you even before I met you. All the things my sister said about you made me love you. I don’t expect you to tell me you love me, but I’m asking one thing from you. Taylor Swift, would you please be my girlfriend?”

I was dumbstruck. I couldn’t believe guys still do that. The whole jet field was empty and it was just the two of us. I couldn’t answer him. The scene was interrupted by the pilot saying we need to leave. I turned and followed him into the jet, without a single word to Chase.

“And?” Kirstie asked excitedly. Who would have thought I’d ever get to see the humble Kirstie so excited. “And what?” I asked. Kirstie rolled her eyes. “What took you so long?” Lizzy was looking at me giggling. “Oh,” I said, “I was waiting for SOMEONE who told me to wait outside ‘cause she’d be back soon.”

Lizzy laughed and told me the events of last night. After we left, she and Chase spent some time playing and being siblings again. He somehow kept trying to occasionally slip in questions about me like, “is she dating anyone?” which then made her suspicious.

She updated her status to “Chasey’s in luuurve” just to tease him. She wasn’t thinking too much into it until her friend Annabel sent her a message saying she enjoyed the party and asking why she hadn’t told her that her brother was dating Taylor Swift. “I asked her, how did she know and she was like she saw you guys kissing. I put two and two together; and called Liz who I then pestered into telling me everything. So yeah, that’s how I got you guys out there. Now tell me,” Lizzy concluded, “what did you guys do while we were in here?”

“He asked me out,” I replied trying to sound nonchalant. Liz and Lizzy looked shocked then Kirstie said, “So you guys are an item now.” It was more like a statement and not a question so I didn’t reply.


“Oh come on. It’s not like coffee makes you do things subconsciously.”

I sent the message. “Tay you’ve been smiling at that phone for an hour now,” Lizzy stated, “It’s like my brother replaced me in no time at all.”

I ignored her nasty comment and joined in on the chat with the girls. I was feeling edgy after having not spoken to Chase for only 10 minutes.

I’d thought about this a lot and I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I sent the text.
“Yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend!”

I’ve realized that Chase hasn’t given me any reason to not trust him or anything, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I know that I don’t really know him, but isn’t that what relationships are about? Getting to know each other? Oh well.


“Soon she’s gonna find
Stealing other people’s toys on the playground
Won’t make you many friends
She should keep in mind
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge”

I someone who looks like him in the crowd. No, not Chase. He’s not that cheesy. I was doing my first concert in Cape Town, where we had landed two days ago.

“Do you still feel like you know what you’re doing
I don’t think you do,
I don’t think you do
Let’s hear the applause
C’mon show me how much better you are
‘Cause you’re so much better
She took him faster than you can say sabotage!”  

Screams could be heard in the whole stadium and I was satisfied. It’s been a while since I last made so many people happy. Remember, I live for my fans.

I went back stage and Lizzy had made friends with a boy who looked around 16 years old; Liz was socializing as usual and Kirstie was preparing for our performance. Then the face I had seen in the crowd was suddenly in front of me again. It was really him.

Just when I thought my life couldn’t get any better, he comes. I couldn’t believe my eyes, but when I finally did, I ran up to him. I jumped onto him and gave the scream of my life.

“OH MY WORD!! HOW DID YOU KNOW?” I shouted. You guys have no idea how happy I was to have a piece of America with me. After so long, I understand why I was this excited to be seeing him again.

Get your dirty minds out of the closet. I wouldn’t let John back into my life so easily. I stopped hugging him to look at his face. He had his million dollar smile. It was really hard to believe it. I hugged him again. I had really missed him. Austin.

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