09. Enchanted

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Personally, I dont like this Chapter! seriously! And since I uploaded a great chapter earlier this week, I forgive myself!




Lizzy’s party was an exhausting adventure all in all. Exciting, but exhausting nonetheless. Once everyone had left, Liz suggested we start cleaning up but I suggested we call a cleaning service in the morning. “No,” my dear best friend said, “we made this mess ourselves; we’ll fix it ourselves.” After our fun cleaning attempt (which ended with all four of us looking like walking zombies and the house looking worse than it did before we tried), Liz and I agreed on calling a cleaning service early the next morning.

Kirstie, Liz and I left Lizzy’s house to go to our house. Liz wanted to go with Lizzy but she still had to pack and had decided on spending one night, home alone, with her brother (whom I, fortunately, didn’t see again that night). Their parents had taken the opportunity to go to the Kruger National Park Resort for the weekend.


“Now tell me,” Liz said to me when we were all lazing on the couch while watching a movie; or rather being watched by the movie. “What happened?” she asked. This is the moment I’d been dreading all night. “With what?” I acted confused. Liz replied, “Oh really? Are we gonna play the dumb card?” Kirstie eyed me suspiciously. “Listen Liz,” I explained, “I went to the bathroom, did my business and came back.” At least that sounded believable.

“They must have one interesting bathroom in there,” Liz scoffed sarcastically.

“Yup,” Kirstie added, popping the ‘p’, “one that spits people out with messy clothes and hair messed up for days.”

“Not forgetting the pink swollen lips!” The two girls high-fived and laughed. I soon joined their laughter and we were all having a ball. Oh contagious laughter.

“So are you gonna tell us or not?” Liz asked. “Fine,” I said, “but promise you won’t judge.” “When have I ever?” Liz asked. True. Through all my problems, and believe me she knows all of them, not once has Liz ever judged my decisions. Besides the time when I got back together with John after he’d cheated three times on me. Even then, she just tried to knock some sense into me.

Speaking of John, I’ve finally gotten over him. It’s been ages since I last spoke to or about him and I don’t even feel a pang of guilt. The fact that I can think about him and not feel regret, longing or even miss him means I’m over him. Like, really over him. I think this might have also been helped by a certain guy I met a few hours ago. Sigh…

“Earth to Taylor…”


“Are you gonna tell us about your mystery guy or do we have to pillow fight it out of you?” Liz asked, already grabbing the nearest cushions. This girl is always ready for any fight.

“I met someone…” I started. Liz and Kirstie were already bombarding me with questions. “When? Where? Who? How?” “Today. At Lizzy’s party.” “Taylor you met a guy today and you guys already knocked up?” Liz asked. “What? NO?” I defended, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. “At least not that far.” “Taylor Rosemary Swift!” my best friend screamed, “have you gone insane? Are you flippen out of your crazy mind?!” “Would you just let her speak?!” Kirstie shouted too.

They were both shouting so I just tuned them out for the next few minutes. Kirstie didn’t know Liz like I do, so she was still arguing with her. I usually tune her out until she finally asks for my opinion. She can go on forever, I tell you.

After hearing the silence (lol), I finally spoke. I told them of the occurrence of the events and afterwards, I could see both Liz and Kirstie were astonished. Now my biggest worry was Lizzy.

The girls advised that I call Lizzy and tell her now. I decided otherwise because she was spending some quality time with her brother and I didn’t want to disturb them. Not to mention the fact that I was scared to the bone. I told them I’d tell her on the plane and that ensured that, if she was mad with me, she’d still be going. After I had managed to get all that off my chest, we all went to sleep.

I drifted off into a peaceful and calm sleeping zone.

“Oh come on Princess,” he said, “we’ve done this before.” “Yes,” I replied, “but then I was suffering from a drought and you were the first contact I had had with the male species in a while.” He looked hurt. “So you used me?” he questioned. “No, Chase,” I explained, “I don’t mean it like that, I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t liked you. I think this is where I say the whole like at first sight but I don’t like cheesy scenes and–“ I was cut off by his soft lips onto mine, and just as I was about to respond, he was gone…

Wait, what? How?

“Taylor… Taylor… We’ll miss our flight if you don’t wake up anytime soon.”

I opened my eyes to see Kirstie standing in front of me, already dressed.

Chase? He was nowhere to be seen. It had all been just a dream. A sweet, heartwarming, enchanting dream.

Enchanting. That’s all I can say. I was enchanted to meet him.

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