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To earn you must know,
To know you must ask;
To ask you must not hide,
And when you know you must show no pride.

Once you break it,
it can never be as strong as it was before.
The forgiveness and apologies can pass,
But the mind will never forget.
Recovery is close to impossible.

The more she gets hurt,
the higher the walls build themselves.
When the walls get higher,
everyone starts sinking.
To a point,
that they can no longer climb the evolving bricks.

Once they pass a wall they feel accomplished,
but then they see it.

At the very end of the maze, the chest sits.
The chest with all of the trust and secrets.
But you'll never get there, no one has before.
They have all given up after some point in climbing the many bricks in the many walls.

The more secrets of hers that you learn,
the more walls that you pass.
But then you get to the point where she won't tell you anything else.
The point of unspeakable and unethical words.
Not the words, but the regrets.

The past that eats her up every day,
she can't even bare to look at herself in the mirror any longer.
The feelings overwhelm her in a suffocating manner.
Not just the emotions,
But the feelings of the emotions.
The dark emptiness that comes with sadness and depression.
Depression from the regrets and the knowledge,
Knowing that she ruined her own life.

You must figure it out if you want to get to the chest,
Find out what she regrets...
Even when the words do not spill from out of her lips.
That is the challenge after all.

But you won't make it.
You won't figure it out,
She speaks in riddles and poems of what she truly means.
The great thing about both is that they can be deciphered in many ways.

She knows that you won't be able to crack her only clues.
And that is why the walls still stand,
With no champion on top the wall...
to show an accomplishment.

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