What Happens...

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On a rainy day, Amaris Colton was walking her daily route home from school. She was used to walking three miles in the forest. Amaris had black hair and violet eyes. She wore ripped jeans and a tank top. Both in the color of black. She all of a sudden heard a branch break.
She saw blood on a tree and started running.

Next thing she knew she was waking up screaming in bed from horrible nightmares. She did not have a real family, her family abandoned her at a young age. She was now stuck with horrible foster parents who were never home. All alone and scared she went on a midnight walk.

Amaris silently paced the path at a quick speed trying to calm her nerves down. She never carried a flashlight with her. Her eyes were like a wolf's and could use the moon's light to survive. As she walked the streets she sees a set of eyes from the trees. It is normal for her. They are always watching. Amaris has no idea what is out to get her.  All she knows is that things have always watched and stared. All she wanted to do was get away from life. She heard a rustle in the alleyway as she passed.

As she entered the edge of the forest she left her hoodie behind. She was only seventeen years old, but she was more aware of the world than most people. She wanted to be alone.
As climbing up the wet and slick ladder, she slips and falls. Amaris feels as if she is falling forever. She feels like Alice in Wonderland. When she hits the ground her vision goes black.

She wakes up with white eyes staring right in front of her. In an instant they are gone. She knows they are out there.

While climbing up  the ladder once again she sees something jump from a tree. The bulky body is fading into the shadows. Like a ghost in the wind. She slides a knife out of her boot. Amaris knows that she is not the only one.
She runs her thumb against the blade drawing little blood, just enough to feel the sharpness.
Steps are surrounding the treehouse, except they are not steps. Instead they are the wisps of the wind surrounding in a tornado-like wind.
The whispers don't stop. Amaris backs into a corner, too afraid to look. Her whole body shudders with fright. The treehouse gets darker and she can no longer see. She feels the presence of another body in the room.

It rushes to her, "Too late..."  whispering in a rough female voice.

Amaris Colton's chest felt sudden pressure as if it was going to explode. Amaris could not breath, her lungs were gasping for air. The woman was no longer there, she vanished in the night. Amaris suddenly felt relief. She tried to move, but her body no longer moved. She forced her foot but her foot did not even move an inch. She didn't speak but her voice did. Sounding harsher than usual.

"Finally, time to have fun."

Her mind screamed. She never thought they would do something to her. Never knew that one would or could possess her.  She now knew her purpose.  As the night went on, her body eventually went weak. Amaris laid on the floor and never woke up. The women was pleased with her host that night.  The last sound was of blood dripping down the ladder-though it looked like liquid jello, and the sound of the women's maniacal laughter.

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