Hide & Seek, Blood & Bleach

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Alison skips down the hall of the school, heading to her theater class. Her 4.0 and straight A's never failed her parents... but that's what she was sick of. Living this perfect mirage of a life, everyone saw her as that girl. The little nerd in the hallway eating the sucker with her red glasses that never seemed to fit her. The daughter of the popular lawyer in town and the surgeon. Her mother was where she fell in love with the practices of working with and on people. She was done with the "How was your day sweetheart?" or the "Did you do well on your test?" She was perfect and they knew that from their stupidical outside views. But on the inside... they didn't know anything. She rode her bike home to her sparkling house and an awaiting dinner.

The night came and she still felt the ways of her true self on the inside. She went down the creaking stairs hoping not to wake her parents, for she was a good child and they would assume her to be making mistakes and sneaking out at that time of night that she should be asleep.

She took the bleach out of the detergent cupboard in the laundry room of the large house. She knew this was the way to end it. The putrid smell as the tears run down onto the floor. She knew that the chemical would burn the nostrils and the floor as her hand gave its grip and spilled to the white tile. She would finally get away, she kept telling herself. Away from this mirage and lie of a perfect life. Maybe her parents would finally learn their lesson.

She started sobbing while the bleach was on her lap with her sitting on the cold tile. Her blood-curdling scream awoke her parents and they ran down the stairs to find her with the knife in her small child-like hands. They could see the pain and despair in her eyes and she knew they could.

"Alison, please. Put the knife down... you don't want to do this. Your happy remember? We're happy. If you left us, your mother and I would be very sad," her father said trying to keep calm.

Her father walked closer to take the knife. Her mother was already trying not to sob into her hands. Alison felt the blade of the knife roaming against her fingertips. She knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to take all the pain away, feel the blood as it burst out of the wound that she has created.

Then... the knife was going into his shoulder. He was gasping for air as his life slowly drained into the darkness of death. Alisons' mother screamed and then stood in shock as her husband's blood started spilling over the tile to her feet. Alison couldn't help but give a cruel and cold smirk, then ran after her birth-giver.

Her mother's bare foot almost slipped as she took off towards the phone and sobbed for help. Alison knew no one could hear her, they were all sleeping and lived a block away from their large residence. Alison lost her when she turned the corner and went into one of the rooms in the large hallway, once pleasant but now quiet and awaiting for a surprise like in the "Shining".

Which room? She didn't know. Her mother stayed quiet and barely breathed as her little angel opened the third door to the room that she hid in. The dark closet full of clothes took her body and she hoped her daughter would not see her. Suddenly, she saw the shadow of her little girl listening near the closet. The doors flew open and her mother screamed and kicked.

As for Alison? She merely smiled at the sight and she saw the blood of her parents dripping off her knife, bleach ready on the other hand, as she whispered to herself in the quiet house...

"Got you."

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