A lot can happen in a year...

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A lot can happen in a year...

It was Leyla and Emre's anniversary dinner. Family and friends had gather together in their newly constructed home to celebrate the happy couple. Sanem had become a successful author with her new novel being published in multiple languages and released in both the States and across Europe. Can had gone back to photography working on assignment covering urban poverty across Europe. Both had decided to make it to the party hoping the other would show up.

Leyla: Sanem, just say hello. The party is almost over you don't need to make it awkward.

Sanem: Awkward, it's already awkward but it's fine now. Everything worked out the way it was and now I can come visit you in your beautiful new home! I'm so happy for you both.

Leyla: Thanks, I still can't believe we've been married for almost a year! It's crazy but he's the one. He always was.

Sanem: I'm glad you guys eloped.

Leyla: Really?

Sanem: Yeah, you both were a good distraction for Anne and Baba while I was on my book tour. It was good they took the time to get to know Emre.

Leyla: Agreed...Are you really going to avoid him all night?

Sanem: No, not all night. Just until I go to sleep haha.

Leyla: Remember, guest room is all yours if you need a quick out.

Sanem: Thanks. I'm just going to play it cool. I got this. Plus I don't think he wants to see me anyway.

Leyla: We both know that's not true.

Sanem: Well, let's pretend. See he is going to get a drink. I will be outside by the firepit.

Leyla: That's my girl. Stay strong.

Sanem took her glass of wine and cozied up to the firepit enjoying the view of everyone at the party. Leyla and Emre were so happy. Deren was having fun with Guliz and Ceycey was still crazy Ceycey. Sanem didn't recognize some new friends they had made over the year but appreciated the fact she didn't have to make too great of an effort tonight. She lost sight of Can assuming he left the party and went home.

She could feel his presence coming from her peripheral vision. He always had a way with timing she could never understand.

Can: This seat taken? (looking at the couch across from Sanem)

Sanem: All yours. (waving her hand telling him to sit)

Can: (looking back at the party) Can you believe that was almost us?

Sanem: Almost. (looking down at her glass)

Can: (Looking at her) We let everyone else spoil it for us.

Sanem: (Looking back at him) Maybe so, let's not bring up the past. Things are different now.

Can: You're right.

Sanem: How is the wonderful world of Can Divit?

Can: Not as exciting as one would think.

Sanem: Oh really? I saw some of your photos while I was traveling. It seems like you are doing something impactful.

Can: Well I don't know if I would call it that but it has been good for me.

Sanem: You always did downplay your work.

Can: Well like you said things are different now.

Sanem: Yeah but photography is your passion. You loved your work. You could always capture the beauty and magic behind what someone would see as ordinary. You must be happier being back out there doing what you love.

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