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I want to thank you all for taking the opportunity to read my second new book "My Dragon King" I hope that every one of you enjoys it to your heart's content. I do want to apologize for my lack of grammar when reading the story.

Please note that this book is a work of fiction and everything written is from my imagination.

All names. characters, locations, etc are all made up by me.

All pictures and videos are all from Google and Pinterest and belong to its rightful owner.



Diana Winter: 18-year-old high school graduate now attending college.  Diana is a hard-working student who takes her studies seriously. With beautiful long golden brown hair that reaches up to her waist and chocolate brown eyes that give off the look of innocence. She works part time at a little cafe to learn some independence and earn her own money. Diana has a fear of being left behind. 

Adrian Valentine: 25-year-old dragon king who is surching for his future queen.  Adrian is a well-loved king to all the dragons in the kingdom and is respected by other supernatural beings around the world. With short jet black hair and lovely brown eyes that would make any woman faint on spot. In his spare time he loves to turn into his dragon form and fly around with his friends. 

Amora Winter: 18-year-old high school graduate now attending the same college as her sister Diana Winter. Amora is known to be the center of attention within the family and pack. Amora loves shop with her good friends and is a cheerleader for the collage football team. Amora also works at a jewelry store. 

Trinity River: 18 year old high school graduate now attending the same college as her best friend Amora Winter. 

Callen Snow: 24-year-old pack warrior in Diana's pack who loves to help others in need. He hopes to soon find his mate so he could shower her with all the love in the world. 

Owen Slade : 25-year-old dragon warrior and best freind to Adrian Valentine. Owen loves to have fly races with Adrian when they have free time. Owen is second in command to the kingdom of dragons. His mate is Megan Stone

More will be added soon

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