Chapter 10

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Ron pov
We are taken to the Malfoy manner where Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius and the snatchers who grabbed us are. Bellatrix walked up to me and grabbed my face. "Get Draco and the blood-traitor to identify them." "I will not drag my soon to be daughter-in-law into this also she is not even here." "I can believe you would let him marry her. But I did not expect Lucius I would have thought you of all people." She is a Pure-blood Slytherin and Draco is extremely happy with her. Much happier than he would have been had he gone through with the arrange marriage. But I will get Draco he is just as good as her." "Fine..." Draco came down Draco looked sick and pale. She wasn't kidding this was taking a toll on him. "Is this Harry? I mean surly you can tell you go to school with him." Aunt Bella what happened to his face I can't tell who it is. He lied for Harry for us but we were still caught. Draco was dismissed but as he walked by he told me something. "Don't worry you'll be out of here soon. I know your sister she always has something planned. I help if she needs it." He was gone and we were sent to the dungeon. Hermione stayed up there. I could hear her screams when Dobby showed up. Dobby thank God how did you know I was here? "Rosabella called me and told me you were down here. He helped us get out and save Hermione. We need to go to Hogwarts it has to be where the last one is hidden. I got a Partronus from my sister she was back at the school. Dobby died in Harry's arm and hat is when my sister appeared. She ran and hugged us she was crying. "God Ron I'm so glad you are ok. I was worried about all of you I thought I may lose you." My relationship had been rocky with her because she is a Slytherin and engaged to Draco. But I realised it was stupid. I hugged her back she looked to Dobby and her eyes watered. We buried him the muggle way. Once that was over we had to leave. We went to Bills safe house where Oliver and Luna were. My sister ran up to Bill and hugged him. There was some more apparation and our whole family was here. Even Lyra Draco's sister was here. There was another pop and there was Draco. When they saw each other they ran at each other. She cried into his shoulder. He had watery eyes as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. Apparently they had been keeping them apart at Hogwarts. "Draco I missed you so much they won't let me be around you at Hogwarts." "I know I'm sorry my aunt is making them Snape helped me escape. He may be evil but he is my godfather." He wiped her tears away with his thumbs and caresses her cheek and she leans in to his touch. They lean in and kiss and she smiles when they pull away. "I love you Rosabella." She smiled while blushing "I love you to Draco." They stay there standing in each other's embrace. Our mom speaks "Me and Fluer made dinner come on and eat Draco are you joining us." He pulled away holding her hand. "I would be honoured to Mrs. Weasley." "Oh call me Molly you will be apart of this family soon. Rosabella smiled but as her brothers we had to have a talk with Draco. So we all dragged him into a room. "I was wondering when this would happen." Fred speaks "Do you actually love our sister?" "That is just an insulting question. I loved your sister since first year I vowed she would be mine. She was mine and I was hers the moment we meant in the store." Good one more question who will you stand by in this war. He looked at me and I could see it in his eyes. He was torn we knew his mother and Rosabella plus Lyra were his world. Having to choose would be hard. "I don't know I love my mother but I also love my fiancée and sister." I hope you make the right choice Draco because if you break her heart I will murder you. We let him go. George speaks "Do you think he will make the right choice. To be on our side in this war?" I hope so because if not she will stand by him she loves him too much to lose him. It would kill her if she stood by us and he left her. She'll either shatter into pieces and break or she will stand by him and we'll lose her forever. We talked to Oliver and he told us the Elder wand was a myth we had to go to Hogwarts it was where the last on is. But how will we get in. Rosabella was staying out of this I got my friends together. "We need to go to Hogwarts." I agree completely it has to be where the last one is. We've got the cup and that leaves on. But how I'm sure it is being heavily patrolled. We need to keep this on the down lo so my sister doesn't come with. "Too late." We all jump as we didn't even hear her walking and the floors creak. Blood hell how do you always do that you're like a ninja. No you are not I have to protect you Draco would die if you got seriously hurt. Ron I'm the only one that knows the way they patrol and how to get into Hogwarts." Where is Draco? He had to leave he was called to a meeting. I'm helping you end this because I want to be with Draco. I can't like this gather your stuff mom is in the kitchen. She is not going to let us leave without a fight. We leave very soon it is dark out. We knew she wasn't backing down so we agreed. We grabbed her arms and she apparated us in front of this shop. Instantly an alarm went off. A guy who looked like Dumbledore forced us inside his place and covered for us. "I knew you were coming lucky your sister can use talking  partronus. We smile at my sister and she opens a portrait. We show up to the Room of Requirements. Where Harry sees Ginny they hug tight they are so cute together. She was the only one who wasn't at the safe house with the family. I'm her brother she hasn't seen me in 6 months, and she hugs Harry first. "Ron she has 6 brothers but their is only one Harry." Rosabella slipped out I turned around to see her gone. Neville comes in. "Snape knows you are here and he knows Rosabella helped you. Rosabella is with Draco right now, so she is ok. She wanted to spend time with him because this may be her last day. It could be any of our last day. I'm glad I'm spending it with my friends." We smiled and did a group hug. We all got ready and head to the hall. "It has come to my attention that Harry Potter is here. How he was helped by one of our own Slytherin.

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