Chapter 4

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Draco pov
I smiled as I walked through Diagon Alley as I did I saw a familiar blond and a familiar red head. They were at the top of the book store looking for personal books to read. The trio and the rest of the family were at the robe shop. My sister has been living with them the past two years. I walked up and snuck up behind my sister. Hey my best sister. "I'm your only sister Draco." I hear a laugh and turn to face Bella. I hold my arms open and she hugs me. "I missed you." I missed you too. "Hey I'm your sister and you give her a hug first!" "There is only one me though." See you on the train ok I'll get a apartment just us. She nodded while looking away. Once I was gone I saw my sister nudge Rosabella's shoulder with her own. Rosabella blushed and looked away.
Rosabella pov
I saw Draco walk in he then talked to his sister. He was taller now he had grown over the summer for sure. I mean I had too I was also taller now and had filled in, in all the right places but not to much. My hair was longer than before as well and my face had become more defined. Once we found our books I smiled I chose a bookie by Newt Scamander he was an amazing Magizoologist. I love magical creatures they are so beautiful. My favourite is Dragons. Every summer I go for two weeks to Romania to meet my brother's co workers and even see dragons.
Train ride
"Stay away from Draco you two." What are you going on about Harry? "I think he is a death eater." "My brother would never become a death eater." Harry do you have proof? "Him and his mom went to the cursed objects place. Why else would he go there?" He goes with his mother everywhere now that his father is in prison. Harry you need proof more than what you claim to have. I don't believe Draco would do that. Hermione spoke "You called him by his first name." We are civil but far from friends we believed it's only fair with his sister being my best friend. It wasn't fair to Lyra so I try to avoid conflict with him as much as possible for Lyra he is the same. They nod believing my lie. I was a Slytherin there was never a doubt about it. We left and meant up with Draco although Pansy was all over him. He was pushing her away. I felt someone in me was I jealous no never. I cleared my throat she looked up and glared at me. "Pansy off my brother now." "Bug off blood traitors." She slapped Lyra. Oh hell know that was my best friend. In moments I had my hand out and she was pinned to the wall. My hair floating. "Don't ever hurt my friends and if you tell anyone what just happened. I. Will. End. You." She nodded really fast and scrambled out. Draco put a hand on my shoulder and I instantly relaxed. He sat me down on his lap as I passed out.
Harry POV
I was watching as he held her close to him she was unconscious he looked worried and scared. I had never seen him like this over anyone. "Draco don't worry she used to much power she is still trying to get the hang of it. Enchantress are supposed to start being trained the first year of school. Her parents didn't tell her till 4th year." "I know but you know I'm in love with her so I worry." I stop myself from gasping when he says that. Oh no this is bad real bad. The train stopped and he was holding her. He kicked me. "Was it convincing what I said about her I knew you were there the whole time. She came to and jumped away. "What the hell you don't do that to someone especially if they don't like you. You should have let me lay down on the seat!" They fight as they walk out the cloak went back over me again. So she didn't see me or she would have helped. As they leave she kicks me suddenly. Draco and Lyra leave her and when they are out of sight the doors shut. She picks up the cloak. "What the hell happened to you?!" Draco kicked me he could sense me spying and said he loved you but then confirmed he just said that because I was watching. Unknown to me she knew why and she knew he was lying about not loving her. I would find out soon just how much he loves her and how much she loves him. I had a slight crush on her but she would never date me she made that clear. She had also become more like a sister to me now I couldn't imagine dating her. Nymphadora showed up and told us we had to jump Rosabella didn't seem scared. She jumped down and landed it while I sprained my ankle. We eventually made it I got a snide remark from Snape and he just asked Rosabella if she was ok. She's the female Draco when it comes to Snape; Even though she was a Weasley. She could do nothing wrong and me and Ron envied her for sure. But then again she was friends with the Lyra Malfoy and civil with Draco Malfoy. We entered the hall and she separated her going to the Slytherin table taking her normal seat next to Lyra. The two were real close instant best friend. I understood their friendship both outcast. Weasley in Slytherin who didn't believe she is better than muggles, muggle-born, or half-bloods. Lyra was a pure-blood but didn't share the prejudice. She was outcasted by her father and family.
Two weeks into school
Rosabella pov
I was in the library with Lyra. Draco was with his two goons and I must have been staring because he looked at me and smirked. I looked away blushing. Lyra raised her eyebrows at me I smacked her and ignored the stare Draco was probably sending over. I got back to working on my DADA essay. I felt Lyra's smirk. What? "Draco is walking over here." I pack up my things with the snap of my finger and walk out towards the astronomy tower.

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