Chapter 5

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Rosabella pov
I was standing there just thinking I had to push my feelings for him away. But I can't. No, I can not fall for him. Especially because of all the hating. "Fall for who?" I jump and glare at Draco. He wore his usual smirk that I loved yet hated. None of your business. "See it is if it involves me." Well, luckily it doesn't involve you Draco. "You're lying and you know it I'm the only person your whole family hates."
He wasn't wrong but I would not admit it that easily. My parents don't like many people we just keep it a secret. He put his fingers under my chin tilting my head up so we were making eye contact. The cold gray eyes I loved and loathed at the same time. The same ones I have been resisting for five long years. The one that I see straight through that show all his pain. The same ones that helped me to control my powers. That comforted me when I found out my parents had been keeping a secret from me. The ones I had fallen for. "We both know that's not true." He placed his lips on mine and for the first time in 5 years, I stopped resisting him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him and loved every second of it. He had me wrap my legs around him and he held me between the wall and him. "Rosabella..." We jump apart and there stands Ginny my twin sister. "I knew the moment I found you defending him from Ron and Harry. When you wrote him over break but you said nothing was going on!" Draco please leave I'll see you in the common room. He walks by a glaring Ginny. Ginny, I swear at the time there wasn't and we had never even kissed till right now!
"How long?" Ginny, I told you we just kissed. "How long have you had a crush on him?" When we started Hogwarts. "5 years and you didn't tell me! 5 years! Why?!" Because I was scared I was scared you would hate me like you already do! Because you would push me away more than you already have.

"I don't do those things."

Yes, you do I'm a Slytherin.

You don't dare be seen with me at school or when I'm sporting anything Slytherin and at home, you act like we're siblings, not twins. I didn't want to make you hate me more than I already did when I got into Slytherin.

Ginny pov
She thought I hated her I don't but now that I think about it she was right. I've pushed her away and distanced myself. I didn't want a Slytherin sister. Even Ron was more accepting and even mom and dad were thrilled when she got Slytherin. She feels like she couldn't talk to me because of the way I acted towards her. She was now in a ball basically crying into her knees at the top of the astronomy tower. I bent down and did something I hadn't done in a while. I hugged my twin sister as our life depended on it. She hugged back just as tight and we cried into each other's arms. So Draco Malfoy? "Ginny he is different when I'm around you see a side that only I can bring out. He is different for me he is the real him. Ginny, he is so sweet too he knows how to cheer me up when mom and dad told me about me... "You are what?" I'm not supposed to tell anyone mom and dad said I couldn't till I could control them but I can Draco has been helping. I am an Enchantress it is a gene on dads side. "Why did I not get it." I was the second twin born that's why. Don't tell anyone, please. "I won't I promise."
Girls lavatory
Harry POV
I followed Draco into the bathroom and see him he looks like a mess her clearly hasn't slept and not eating. I provoked him and he raises his wand casting a spell. Then I cast a spell I didn't know what it did. He fell to the ground blood seeping out of everywhere. "Harry what have you done?!" I thought she was going to hug me and tell me everything is going to be ok. Instead, she ran to Draco laying his head in her lap. She was crying as she held his hand. "Harry get help." "I'm tired." "You'll be fine Draco please I love you. I never got to tell you that I was too scared. Harry doesn't stand there go get help! And while you're at it. Stay the hell away from me, Draco, and Lyra!" He's a death eater. "Again you go back to that with absolutely no proof!" He coughed she kissed his forehead. She was crying letting out and agonising sob. She rested her forehead against his as she cried. I went to reach for her but she glared. "Don't touch me go get help!" She was angry and I was sent flying backwards. Her eyes glow deep gold. Nodding I ran running into Snape. He made his way in and helped him. I watched under my cloak. He was levitated on a stretcher she held his hand her face covered in tears. As they walked by she kicked me hard and definitely on purpose. People stared at the sight of a Weasley crying one Draco Malfoy. Especially since normally they are fighting. I ran to the Gryffindor common room where I explain what happened. I said something about Rosabella and he cast a spell at me. She walked in when I cast a spell I had never heard. It cut him up and he fell down bleeding. Rosabella screamed and ran to him. She knelt down putting his head in her lap and holding his hand. "I'm sure she was just being nice." Ron, she told him that she loves him too. That she was too scared to tell him. She told me to stay away from her, Lyra, and Draco. Seeing him laying there she looked like someone killed her. Especially when he fell unconscious. He coughed and she kissed his forehead and let out the most agonizing sob. "My sister would not fall for Malfoy!" Hermione spoke "It's not that far fetched. We saw them hug at the book store and we see the way he looks at her like she is the prettiest thing in the world. Not to mention she defended him and all that stuff. She's become closer to him I mean her best friend is Draco's sister." Let's go to the hospital wing and see if she is with him. Nodding we got under the cloak and went to the hospital wing. We arrived and saw Lyra and Rosabella. Both holding one hand. She was running her fingers through his hair and he smiled eyes closed. Her face was soaked in tears. Her nails had some blood underneath them. Her uniform was covered in blood. She held one of his hands. She then kissed his knuckles. The pain in her eyes was so real so agonizing that I wanted to cry for her.
2 days later
Ron got punched in the nose and we had to take him to the Hospital Wing. When we arrive the curtains were almost all the way closed we were shooed off.
Ron pov
"Rosabella you need to go out and eat it's been 3 days." "I eat dinner." No, I bring you food and then you eat. "Lyra I'm just worried about him." "Yeah worried because you are in love with him." "I can't afford to love him though." "But you do we can't choose who we love like we can't choose who our family is." "I love my family I don't want to lose them because I am in love with the enemy." I listen as she cries and Lyra tries to comfort her I couldn't tell my parents. I just couldn't it would be bad actually I don't know. But I know she is terrified of losing us we are going to have to suck it up and deal with it. I don't know if I can ever forgive Harry. He had no clue what the spell did yet used it. Then didn't even apologise or try to. How the hell can I forgive him for almost killing someone I love. You weren't their Lyra it felt like someone had reached into my my chest and was tearing my heart apart. Seeing all the blood and how it soaked into my uniform and under my nails and coated my hand. I felt like I was just killed. I have never cared for anyone that wasn't my family as much as I care for your brother. "Good to know you love me and love you too." She hugged him and he pulled her face down to his lips and they kissed. "How worried were you?" "Not much I obviously went to class and did what I needed to do." "She's lying she has not been to any of her classes for the past three days and haven't eaten either she just left to shower because she was covered in your blood and to use the restroom. Then is back here and sits by your bed. Also she doesn't sleep ever." She glared at Lyra blushing then buried her head in her arms hiding her blushing face. He ran his fingers through her hair then spoke. "Stop hiding you're cute when you blush." He scooted over and she got in bed he put and arm around her and as soon as she laid her head on his chest for the first time in 3 days she went to sleep. He held her close and also fell asleep. Lyra smiled and left them when she saw me she frowned. "You shouldn't eaves·drop on peoples conversation." How long have they liked each other. "Since our first year but in your fourth year our third he admitted he was in love with her. She didn't say it back and just this year she admitted she liked him. She was scared you would hate her so she sacrificed her happiness for all of your guys. It wasn't fair and it's your guys fault." How? "You act like she can't be trusted or that she is going to go evil. When in reality she would lay her life down for any of you. Yet you don't pay attention to that you pay attention to her Hogwarts house." I frown thinking about it she was right even our parents accepted her as a Slytherin they were thrilled. They were happy that one of their kids got a different house. Even happier it was Slytherin because it proved not all Slytherin's are bad. She left me there in bed the lady came and fixed my nose. I then left taking one last look at my sister who was smiling. Draco was smiling too not smirking smiling. I then left and meant up with my friends. "So what is the verdict?" Harry we don't tell my parents she is terrified she'll lose the family. "He's a Malfoy Ron!" I know Harry but he loves her and she loves him our parents would take her out of school. "Ron I think you should tell your parents." Hermione I'm begging you for once don't butt your head into this situation. It is the state of a family feud. You could ruin a family so Hermione don't do what you did third year. Please Hermione. She looked torn "I'm sorry Ron but..." HERMIONE GRANGER! She jumped. I am serious for once don't. Hermione let her tell them or let them break up. She'll come to us and our parents when she is ready. "Fine I won't tell anyone." We saw Draco walk out with Rosabella. He pulled her close and they hugged. She was an inch shorter than him meaning she was taller than all of us. Which is why she was so intimidating she was considered the Princess of Slytherin. Even though she didn't share the views of Slytherin she had all the other traits even a certain disregard for rules. I watch him kiss her and she kissed back we quickly left.

Edited 17:17 pm Sunday, May 12 2019

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