Chapter 1

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We were getting our stuff for Hogwarts it was mine and Ginny's first year. Gitderoy I mean Gilderoy Lockheart. As we were standing there Lockheart noticed Harry. "My god it's Harry Potter." He was dragged up there and they took a picture. He was handed a whole set of his books. He gave them to my sister. "Bet you loved that Potter. Can't go anywhere without getting a picture." My sister steps forward. "Stop it he didn't ask for that." "Look Potter got yourself a girlfriend." My sister blushed as red as our hair. Don't be rude to my family Malfoy. He followed my voice to me. I looked similar to my sister. But I was on the tall side my hair more tamed and I stood up straight unlike my counterpart who didn't stand as straight and had frizzy hair. I had green eyes like my older siblings Charlie.

Draco pov
We were in the store when Harry got pulled forward and had to take a picture. Bet you loved that Potter didn't you. Can't go anywhere without getting a picture. A redhead girl with frizzy red hair and brown eyes crossed her arms and spoke. "Stop it he didn't ask for that." Look Potter got yourself a girlfriend. She blushed as red as her annoyingly bright red hair. "Hey don't be rude to my family!" I followed the voice to another redhead. She had green eyes and tamed silky smooth red hair. She had freckles too. She was taller than the other girl and stood up with great posture. If it wasn't for her red hair and freckles you wouldn't know she was a Weasley. She was actually pretty. Snapping out of it I look away she is a Weasley. "Be nice Draco." I stepped back but felt someone's eyes on me. It was the Weasley girl I know this. I made eye contact and she looked away. No one saw the exchange but us. My father and Arthur got into a fight. The girl seemed annoyed at our parents fighting like children. Once it ends we leave I look back at the girl. She glanced at me then went back to her family. She spiked my interest. "Draco keep an eye on Rosabella." Who? "The girl who said don't be rude. She is the twin sister of Ginny." Why though? "Because I said so." I nodded at him and we went home. I couldn't tell my father I found her pretty.
"Wesley, Ginvera!"
"Wesley Rosabella!"
Hmm to mean for Hufflepuff, not Ravenclaw Material. This is a tuff one hmm most of your family and friends are Gryffindor but you are sly, ambitious and willing to go to any cost to achieve your and goal. "Slytherin!" smiled she sat down talking to my younger sister who was also a first year. They laughed and instantly became friends.
Next day
"Look Weasley got himself a howler!" We all look to Ron Weasley. Some of us chuckle even his sister Rosabella hides her laughter. "RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR? I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOU'RE FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER *TOE* OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME! And Ginny, dear, congratulations on making it into Gryffindor. Rosabella sweetheart congratulations on Slytherin. Your Father and I are so proud of you two." Rosabella smiled and let out a slight laugh that only Slytherin could hear. We say she wasn't supposed to be here but proved us wrong. We soon get up and head to class. As we go I hear yelling. "Pansy if you don't let me go I swear to Merlin you'll regret it." "Don't threaten me blood-traitor. You might as well be a mudblood." I come around the corner to see a fist making contact with Pansy's nose. Pansy screeched and fell to the floor. Blood flowing from her obviously broken nose. I was laughing as I walked over to them and high five Rosabella. "Draco she is a Weasley!" "I'm also a Slytherin point being Parkinson?" Snape walked out seeing a sight. Pansy on the ground and Rosabella and me laughing. "Do something Professor she punched me for no reason." "I had a perfectly good reason you called me a blood traitor and used the M word that I can't say." "What Money?" I held back Rosabella. "Detention! Parkinson!" "What But she punched me?!" "I didn't see it?" "My nose is broken!" "You ran into the wall for all I know." With that, he walked away and so did Rosabella. I head towards class and Pansy called out my name but I just ignored her. I sat down in the back of the class we had with Gryffindor. Hey Weasel did anyone tell you what your sister did? "Bug off Malfoy and don't go near my sister!" Calm down I just telling you she punched Pansy in the face. Also, we're in the same house me and your sister are bound to interact. I smirked at him as he turned red with anger. What's the matter Wesley afraid your sister will fall for me? "My sister is not stupid enough to fall for you. Her standards are much higher and she would not betray our family by being with you ever." Who are you trying to convince you or me? Hermione elbowed him and he turned back around. Lessons continue until he releases pixies as this happens the bell rings and everyone runs out including our teacher and my goons. This was when Rosabella entered the room. She looked stunned and pixies are pulling my hair. She laughs at the sight and me plus the trio we glared. She groaned in annoyance and took out her wand. "Immobulus!" they all freeze and I pull the pixie off my hair. I go down the steps and she places them in the cage. "Draco wait up!" I turn and smirk waiting for her. She joins me and speaks "you should learn to say thank you for a change.  You may not like manners but you're probably a lot more... what's the word attractive when you use them." I stood there frozen as she walked around the corner. Ron and his group walk by me him glaring at me. I follow them as I had a free period they meant up with her. "What did you say to Draco?!" "Calm down brother I just told him to learn manners and say thank you. He didn't and said why should I blood traitor. So I walked away." You could tell she was a Slytherin the lie came right off her tongue. Like it had been sitting there the whole time. It was so convincing I would have believed it to be true. The look on their faces said they believed it to be true. There was no doubt she was a Slytherin. Sly, check cunning, check Ambitious, check. She hugged them all with a smile. She left and walked out and saw me. She rolled her eyes and walked by. I smirked pulling her into a closet. "Draco let me out right now." Calm down wouldn't want your brother finding out you were lying. Also, you are definitely a Slytherin. You have Slytherin traits and that what makes you attractive. Rosabella. "Draco I have one thing other girls don't." Which is? She went to my ear "The ability to resist you. The real question is will you be able to resist me?" You are a Weasley, of course, I can resist you and I'm a Malfoy. It's you who won't be able to resist me. She smirked at me. "We'll see about that Draco but you are right about one thing. You are a Malfoy and I am a Weasley so we would never work. I guess I'll have to go off hating you like the rest of my family. Goodbye. She opened the closet and walked out shutting it once again leaving me frozen and stunned. She was right we wouldn't mix our backgrounds are two different.

Endearment| Draco Malfoy Love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora