Stage 1: Off To Camp We Go!

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In the room of Twilight Sparkle and her younger sister Cherry Blossom, Spike was snoring loudly and both sisters appeared to be having a dream that made them toss and turn in their sleep.

    "No... It can't be..." Twilight said, "It isn't true..."

    Cherry groaned as she said, "No... Stay away..."

    They didn't even flinch when they heard a knock at their room door. A familiar voice had said, "Yo! Twi! Cherry!"

    Another voice came over the previous on, "You guys! Are you up!? The bus to Camp Everfree leaves in ten minutes!"

    That had gotten Twilight to wake up when she heard those words. She jumped out of bed and started to panic, "Omigosh! I can't believe I forgot!" She ran to her sister's bed as she put on her glasses, "Cherry get up! We overslept!"

    Cherry groaned as she sat up, "Ugh... What was that Twily? Is it time to go to school already?"

"Oh come on don't tell me you forgot!?" Twilight said, taking her by the shoulders, "Today's the day that we're going to camp!"

Cherry's eyes widened in shock as she said, "Oh gosh! You're right!" She jumped out of bed and went to find a hair tie, "How can I forget something like that!?" 

    They had jumped when their door was suddenly kicked down, courtesy of their long time friend Adofo. He said to the two girls, "Oi! Do you guys have cotton in ya ears?! Get up off your butts so we can get to the bus!"

    There other friends, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash came up behind him. "Was kicking down their door really necessary?" Applejack asked the teen.

    Adofo replied with a smile, "Of course! It's something Afro taught me!"

"I think Afro himself is even a bad influence on you, darling." Rarity said.

Adofo had said to Rarity with a reassured smile "Oh no worries! He taught me how be confident in my new abilities!"


Sunset Shimmer looked at the two girls, who were currently running around the room getting their stuff together. "Aside from all of that, oversleeping doesn't sound like the two of you at all. Or at least to Twilight anyway."

"Yeah, don't you have an annoying alarm clock that goes, BZZT! BZZT! BZZT!" Pinkie said imitating the alarm clock. They heard a muffled sound under Twilight's pillow; when Pinkie removed it, it was the alarm clock.

"We're so sorry!" Twilight said, "The both of us don't usually oversleep like this! Or at least one of us doesn't!"

"That's okay we'll help you pack." Sunset said getting Twilight and Cherry's bag.

"You sure you wanna do that?" Cherry asked

Adofo said to the two girls, "Of course, that makes it faster for all of us." Everyone started to help the two of them pack. Though some of the things they packed were a bit unusual. Like Rarity had gotten out Twilight's dress (Or at the very least the other Twilight's dress) and had put it into the bag; she had even placed a fancy dress in Cherry's bag.

"Rarity..." Applejack said, "We're gonna be camping out in the woods. When are they going to need that?"

"If we are going to the moon I'd insist they'd pack their evening gown." Rarity replied, "One never knows darling."

Adofo said to Rarity "That's a bit too much for a night gown ya think?"

Zeo came poking out of his hair, "Says the guy who insisted that he pack his wooden sword and skateboard?"

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