EIM PART 1- Chapter 19: Chips POV

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Im a fucking prince and I'm stuck in this shit hole. I can't believe I paid for something this horrible. My phone buzzes, and I take it out and see its my parents. For love of pixies I don't have time for them and their lectures right now. I bang on the bathroom door just out of anger because my mutt of a mate is starting a bath and I had to piss. "Hurry up in there, not much hot water". I yell thru the door hoping she gets the point. I start pacing and decide to lay down.

Realizing I fell asleep because an overwhelming need to pee and a rush of guilt hit me, I have been getting it on and off since I somewhat rejected Mia. Thinking of her I looked over at the clock, its almost 2am. I look around the room for Mia, assuming she must be using the washroom again, my fuckin luck. As I get more impatient, I start banging on the door. "Come on now I know your in there, dont be stupid." Not caring at this point the need to piss was to over-whelming I used my magic to unlock the door. "Last fucking warning Im coming in". I say it loud enough foe her to hear me this time as I open the door.

Nothing prepared me for what I saw. Guilt, the one emotion eating at me from the get-go was worse for a reason. The fear of losing someone I was supposed to love and spend the rest of my life with was over baring. I reach for my phone and call my parents. They have the power to help flash me home, I hear the first ring the second coming painfully slow. Finally, on the 3rd ring she answers. "Mom I need your help. Its Mia. Please." I wrap my arms around her small, fragile body and carefully press her to me. Just like that I was at my mom and dads thrown room. Seeing our state my father spoke up "Everyone leave us now. An uncontrollable sob left my lips and I couldn't even place it. Staring at my mom and dad I can tell their disappointed in me. "This is horrible what did you do to her" My mother frantically questioned. I couldnt meet her eyes and just stared at my mate not saying anything as we waited for the doctor to arrive.

The doc was in shortly after my father conjured him in. He confirmed time of death being 11:30pm. About the time she took her bath. I didn't know what to do or say. My emotions shut down completely and a pain settled in my heart. I just wanted her to be safe and stay away from the danger that would have followed if she stayed.

It was thought of and old story that crossed my mind at this time, a story to train and give hope and pride to pixies and fairies. It was said that the fairy prince is supposed to be strong and save his people from exclusion from the outside world. He is not known, nor will any prince know unless he bares the mark of the moon, and the true queen to bond us all will be born of her abilities early of age.

From birth my parents knew it was me. I had a half moon birth mark on my neck behind my ear. The pixies and fairies were so happy to finally have hope of a brighter future in the outside world. We were all hiding from the threats beyond our vail. After a terrible war that separated magical beings was caused by a fairy king who was rejected by his mate for her alpha. She was sworn to another, but secretly loved her mate. One day she ran away from her forced mate and found her king. She couldnt be happier ran away to his village. The alpha was to angry, his wolf was insanely raged after he was betrayed that he waged war on the fairies.

Then the war became to much and the fairies had to team up with the pixies. The wolves though, they had withes, warlocks, vampires. The numbers were in the alphas favor. To end the war and save all their people she offered a truce.

The previous night she offered her life to the moon goddess because the war wouldnt stop with her still alive, her mate wouldnt quit and the alpha was obsessed, all she asked in return for the safety of her new pack and the people she loved. They may be fairies and pixies, but they fought to protect her and now it was her turn. Saddened, the moon goddess new the war was far from over. Unable to bare anymore loss for her beloved children she accepted her deal to take her life in exchange the pixies and fairies will be hidden in a Vail that will protect them all from danger that may enter.

The vail will only come down when a prince who bares the mark of the moon, bonds fully to his mate. He then will be strong enough to handle anything that can stop the future of the soulmates being together and repairing their village. The moon goddess swore to help her beloved child and make things right.

With a bright light surrounding the goddess it wrapped around the queen and she was gone forever. Her soul was used to mend and heal her people and make anyone outside the vail forget what happen. Slowly the pixies and fairies found a way of working with what they had and making their little village grown into a beautiful little town.

I take one final look at my mate as they close her casket and proceed to lower her body into the ground. Usually at a funeral people give their sincere condolences to the family and loved ones but all I got was disapproving gestures and head nods, the hushed how could he, or he ruined it for all of us the worst was, you think he did it and their covering it up. Each one of those comments cut like a knife.

As time went on, I kept having nightmares of finding Mia. Some nights I couldnt sleep I would go back to the room we booked and lay down thinking of how I could have done things different. I got tired of just laying there and went toward the bathroom door. I slowly twisted the knob and opened the door, at the same time closing my eyes. The fear that rushed thru me was almost unbearable. I tried to face my fears and guilt by coming here but this was the first time I came to the bathroom since that day. I couldnt look at the bathtub, but I peek my eyes open quick and saw something stuffed in the mirror.

Anxious, I run over to the mirror and grab the note and just as Im about to run back I am flashed to my parents thrown room. Where were you son. My father said formal. He still cant look me in the eye after Mia died. I just wanted to be alone I somewhat lie. I dont know what to say anymore but since were stuck here for only the goddess know how long, your mother and I are retiring you are to be king. With no ambition, but knowing I had nothing else I can do for my people but keep our town running and I planed on doing just that. Yes, father Is all I reply.

I head to my room and take out the note I found. I open it with shaky hands and start to read. I started to cry, each word laced with pure innocence and loneliness. I wouldnt even give her a chance, I let her slip thru my fingers. The worst part of all this is its my fault. She was going thru so much when we first met, and I added salt to those wounds. I was supposed to help her and make her stronger. Heal her wounds, but all I did was let her die.

Early Initiation Mate Part 1&2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें