EIM PART 2- Chapter 24: Discoving The Four Pulls

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The sounds of birds and light winds greet me in the morning. I bask in the sunshine that caresses my skin. As I exit my tent, I gather my dishes and my mess. Motivated with a purpose, I head to a river and begin to clean up.

Finishing up my dishes, a thought crosses my mind. The water is perfect for a swim, and i stink enough to know when I need to wash up. Not wanting to get my close wet, I pile them next to the shoreline and make my way in the water. It was so relaxing and gave me the time to sort out what these Strong pull feelings were.

There were at least four directions and one stronger than the others. When I try to focus on them, they slowly fade except for the strongest one.

I started to feel like someone was watching me. Not liking the feeling, I swam to shore, looking around as I was getting dressed. No one was in my eyesight, and I couldn't smell anything around. I gathered my things, finished packing up, and began my journey towards this pull.

I follow the strongest pull. It vibrates, and I can almost see where I must go. I continue going for almost 3 hours before I finally see a beautiful village. I can tell they are wolves mixed with other forest creatures. A crowd of them gathered by the fence and were whispering as I approached. Some backed away, and some ran off elsewhere.

I say to them, "I'm so sorry for bothering you. I was wondering if I may speak to your alpha?" They looked back and forth until a tall man approached. "We don't have an alpha, but I can take you to our elders. They are like our leaders. I'm Kipper." He finished saying. "I'm Ruby." I reply.

He looked very strong, and I didn't want to get this guy upset, so I followed him towards the elders' hut. It was very smokey in the tent, but it smelt amazing. There were 3 older women sitting at a table and one older man sitting by the fire. One of the women looked way older than the rest, but she held herself beautifully.

They all stared at me as Kipper introduced me. I explained to them that I am on a journey. I didn't want to explain the weird pull just yet. I didn't even know what it was. I hinted that I felt I needed to come this way, so I followed my intuition.

As I was talking I was also taking in the room. The woman gestured for me to take a seat. They all sat on cusions on the floor that circled a long oval table. The man who was sitting by the fire joined us at the table. I had also notice another table at the far end of the room. There was a brass bowl with a lid that had incents I side it.

When I finished my story, the oldest looking lady got up and took my hand in hers. She lead me to a table that had a words on it that I couldn't understand at all. She then spoke up and said, "This has been our prophecy that has been passed down for generations. It used to explain what caused the separation amongst us all but it was lost through time." She looked back at me and I gave her a half smile but I must have looked confused.

She continued, "It mentions a traveling woman will come our way. She will prover her self but following the pull. She must prove her self on this mission and lead us to the battle for peace and harmony amongst all mystical creatures." She then looked back at me with a smile and said "We have finally found you."

Realizing what she is saying and acknowledging that I do have the pull I explain everything to them. It felt so good to be honest with everyone here. The elders listened to me and were very kind.

I was confused about how Kipper was Mary's son when they don't share a last name. Without noticing I must have been staring a lot when Mary asked, " We don't look much alike do we?" I felt so embarrassed but replied with a head nod.

They both giggled at my reaction and then looked back at me. Now they had more serious expressions and she explained,"Kipper was given to me by a desperate which. She appeared in my chamber and beg me to save him. She was saying he had to be with me and it had to be me. I didn't under what she ment. When I asked the which why she was already placing Kipper on the bed. As I made my way to her she vanished. I picked the baby up and noticed a note tucked in the blanket. I knew then why he would be so important to us.

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