EIM PART 2: Chapter 23: Love Being On My Own

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I will skip my journey across my pack boarder because it's basically a bunch of trees and swamps and more trees and a big lake. The reason is that before my escape, I made my bed and left a letter perfectly written on top of my pillows. My room is in the pack corridors with the rest of the training members. My parents only check on me if I miss 3 days of training so woot day one here we go.

The first thing I want to do is make camp and make something to eat. I am starving so bad that I feel like I can eat a cow. I gathered the twigs and branches that were dry, and I must pile them to get ready for a fire.

I then set up my small green tent and put my stuff away. I begin to boil some water on the fire. I add dehydrated onions, carrots, and celery. I then take out the leftover chicken from lunch and cut it all up, and add it to my soup. After a while, it starts to smell really good, so I get my cup and spoon and start to pour away.

I devoured my soup and basically ate the whole thing. I slipped down, resting against a log I was sitting on. Feeling a bit relaxed, I figured to kill some time I would play some games on my phone.

I was getting pretty far on Doomaday when I realized how late it was getting. I poured water on the fire and put all my mess away in one spot so I could take care of it tomorrow. I climb in my tent, zipped it up, and lay down on my blankets that I used for bedding. My camping bag is used as my cuddle bag, and my duffel bag with my close is my pillow for the night.

Trying to sleep is hard. I keep thinking about everyone I left behind. It hurts, but I feel free. I can finally figure myself out. Then my mind goes to I need to start making plans tomorrow morning about what I am going to do because I don't think I want to be in a tent for the rest of my life. That's for sure.

Dream - "When are you going to grow up and start to take charge? I didn't raise a pathetic omega, DID I?" My fathers voice boomed at me. He had just started my alpha training a week ago right after my eleventh birthday and expected me to be as good as the pack members on their fifth year who were 18.

I would always try my best. One time, I got three out of ten of the older wolves to submitt, which to me was pretty good. When I won, my father was so proud , and every time I lost, he would make me feel weak, and my joy would quickly vanish. That is when I started losing more and more. Also, my wolf and I were exhausted.

"You're not going to make this pack weak. you're going to train harder than everyone here. Today, this was just your warm up go run ten laps around the football field, then come back to me. No wolf speed aloud!" I quickly said "Yes dad." Then went on my way.

My legs were burning, my lungs felt glued together, and my vision was blurry. Maybe I could use a bit more cardio. When I was done with all my laps, my dad looked a bit sympathetic. With a little shake of his head, the angry emotion was back on his face.

"That was pathetic. If you actually practiced half as much as the warriors, you would be strong enough."

So that is what I did, I trained a lot. Now, the only wolves able to overpower mine were my father and his Beta. His words still haunt me and I always feel a need to be doing somthing and if I don't, I feel unaccomplished. I'm always looking to prove I am enough. I just wanted to make my parents proud but things change.

I know I can take on challenges because I love learning new things, and I am beyond ready for what the wild has to throw at me. I have worked so hard to be where I am now and nothing will hold me back.

As I shook from a violent dream, I felt a new purpose that felt like a magnetic pull but in multiple directions.

I'm excited to see where they lead me!

Early Initiation Mate Part 1&2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang