The Devils of Shadow

Start from the beginning

            She could only hope her friends would remain safe taking on the devils. If they died, if she lost the people who had stood so bravely by her side…She would never, ever forgive herself as long as she lived.

            The morning breezes scraped her face as she took off through the forest, plummeting past the heavy foliage. She spotted the cave up ahead. That must be where Slate was. Knowing that the Wreckers would be coming shortly after, she increased her speed until her heart felt like it would burst from her chest. The day was cool, but she was scorching hot and dripping with sweat by the time she reached the cave.

            Wren was there, in her kitsune form. Her triangular red fox ears were standing straight and alert, her flashing raven eyes narrowed. Behind her was the lustrous-coated sphinx, Alfred, and an outrageously beautiful bird.

            Griffon. Slate was a Griffon. He was absolutely striking, a towering white beast with wings a shining bronze tinged with reds and purples at the tips. They unfurled behind him, scraping the sides of the caves. His amber brown eyes were still the same, staring at Darla in fright.

            “The Wreckers,” she whispered, her voice trembling furiously. “They’re coming. I know they are. The others are fighting them off at the camp, but I don’t know how long they can keep going on. Dragon fire and magic only goes so far against them.”

            Wren’s tense arm muscles rippled underneath her light coating of crimson fur that matted the back of her long, slender swan-like neck. “Then we’ll fight them.”

            A tiny raven fluttered over for Darla, flurrying around in a panic. Wimble-Slate’s bird. She gently stroked its soft, delicate wings. The bird’s eyes were intelligent and knowing, staring into hers.

            It happened so fast Darla couldn’t even register what was going on.

            “SLATE!” she screamed as the Wrecker flung itself towards the griffon.

            The ethereal bird’s grand size proved a weakness as it slowly inched back into the back of the cave, barely having enough room. Knowing he couldn’t stay in his mighty bird form, Slate swiftly shifted back into a boy. His face was devoid of any emotion, calmly accepting his fate. He had already given up. Maybe death would be easier than a life as a nomad, hiking through the mountains with only a bird as his friend.

            Darla pelted the beast with her fire, but it was no use. The Wrecker didn’t duck out of the way as it inched closer to Slate.

            Another Wrecker leaped into the cave, immediately jumping onto Darla, holding her in a powerful choke hold.

            She couldn’t fight back. It went inside of her, manipulating her magic. The beast was cold and dark and deadly, everything wrong in the world. It tangled around in her mind, whispering and laughing menacingly. She trembled as the Wrecker plunged through her, wrapping around every thought and memory she held precious. It had taken over her body, its darkness engulfing her, submerging her in treacherous waters. She couldn’t swim-drowning, drowning, dying each second.






            Evil was the only thing that existed. The Wrecker continued to maneuver throughout her body, killing her slowly.

            Slate. He was still alive. He had to be. Darla screamed, releasing the bundled up magic. It wasn’t much, barely an inkling-but it did the trick. The Wrecker was thrown off her and she jumped to her feet.

            Darla wasted no time, running to Slate and knocking him to the hard ground. Her head hit rock, blood pooling in an open wound. Pain pierced through her skull, but she ignored it, holding up her hands to shield Slate from the shadowy devils. Flashbacks of Arabelle, who had leapt in front of Darla, saved her from a horrific death.

            Darla would do the same.

            It was time. This was for the greater good.

            Holding in a breath, the Wrecker reached out. Darkness seeped into her once more, welcoming itself back home.

            And the troubled little girl just stood there, awaiting her demise.

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