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🍳Knows her way around a kitchen. (Backup Cook)

💉Some proficiency in doctoring. Primarily, treating fight battle wounds and herbal remedies (courtesy of Carmela's medicinal plant knowledge and having to constantly treat Siren's wounds) in the treatments of minor ailments: fevers, stomach aches, headaches, sore throat, bruises, burns, scalds, etc.

⚒Inventor/Blacksmith (courtesy of Trigger's tutelage)

⛰Good survival instincts.

🌊Personal Traits:🌊

🔷Her personality is as adaptive as she is physically and differs depending on whatever situation is at hand.

🔷Fearless, yet worries constantly for the safety of her friends.

🔷Stubborn and impulsive, but open-minded, mentally flexible, and cautious.

🔷Wise and well educated.

🔷Adventurous and outgoing.

🔷Loyal above all else; Wouldn't betray her crew for anything.

🔷Destructively direct.

🔷Avid hobbyist.

🔷Can be a hot-head with a massive temper, while easygoing and laid-back.

🔷One moment she's the voice of reason among the crew and next she's jumping head first into something without thinking.

🔷A jokester that can make anybody smile and laugh to the overprotective big sister ready to throttle anyone who disrespects or harms those she cares about.

🔷And then there's moments when she makes absolutely no sense at the time, but is later revealed that there's always reason to her rhyme.

🙃Odd Quirks:🙃

🤩Find some abnormal things, for things other people might find strange or freaky, cute.

😂😭🤬When she gets overly emotional, such as ecstatically happy, extremely pissed off, or even just muttering under her breath in annoyance, she starts to rant in different languages.

😘Gives compliments and praise that somehow come out naturally is flirting when she doesn't mean it to be. She's not aware of the influence her looks and actions have on the general populace. Isn't too experienced when it comes to romance due to overprotective male relatives.

😴Sleep fights.

😟😡When very worried or angry in a place where she can't just fight her troubles away, she throws herself into her hobbies. Most times going overboard.

😋Serious metabolism. Consumes as much food as Luffy-- in some cases, even more than--because your body digests food, converting it into energy, faster than a human.

🏖Other Personal Facts:🏖

🛍A Shopaholic. And sometimes go overboard in her purchases, buying out half or even a whole store.

🍶🍻Can hold her liquor even better than Zoro but still has the capability to get drunk. It just takes a higher quantity and/or quality of the alcohol.

🎲An incredible gambler but not obsessive about it.

🤗Doesn't know the meaning of being selfish.

😁Sees her scars and injuries as reminders of what has made her who she is now.

😌Has an immense amount of patience to put up with Luffy and the rest of the crew's shenanigans, but even she will not hesitate to put her foot down when things start getting out of hand. 

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