The Rules of Coexistence

Start from the beginning

"Where is it?" Chase was eager to learn more about power and domain over others. If she had a book containing such information he wanted to see it.

"Out of your reach for sure! Now, let's discuss other matters."

Chase was frustrated to say the least. He felt great after the consumption of Power, but Alessa insisted that he needed time to assimilate completely the pure Power given to him that morning. Plus she explained to him that it was of utmost importance for him not to perform magic, (she repeated this restriction several times along the conversation just to make sure he understood). She addressed the fact that he must remain at her apartment all the time, so they didn't raise suspicion. In exchange, she would teach him about magic and power, all of those things he didn't know.

Their conversation was interrupted by the vibration of Alessa's mobile phone. She answered the phone to meet the voice of her closest classmate Itzel reminding her about the sound check they were having in the old auditorium for the Halloween celebration. Sure, it was more than a month in advance but their professor was extremely insistent in having everything prepared for the day.

She informed Chase about her activities and grabbed her backpack, keys and wallet before exiting the apartment – "I want pizza for dinner!!" – were the last words she heard before closing the door.

Chase's hunt started when he heard the click from the door. He wanted to read the Encantus Alessa mentioned. If it contained the history of magic that was something he needed to know before he returns to Ipswich. He looked first on the most cliché places he could think of: the underwear drawer, in between the mattress, the back of the cupboard and under the pillow case. The Encantus wasn't there. He then turned to the bookcase. Maybe going for the obvious was the best course of action in this matter.

As he spent an hour of search with the occasional distraction by the books she had, he decided that a bit of Power wouldn't hurt. After all, Alessa advised him against using Power in public and in the open, but she never specified about doing it inside the apartment where a witch already knew about his nature. He casted a low pressure spell, or better said a fog spell, which allowed him to fill the place with white gas. That way he found a place where the fog didn't get through. He reached for the side of the kitchen cabinet and touched the book that was invisible. "Got it!" he cheered to himself. With a swift movement of his hand the atmosphere returned to normal and the book turned visible to his warm touch. Grabbing a package of cookies, he threw himself to the red couch and started to read.

At nine Alessa arrived to the front door of her apartment. Really irritated about the sound check and tired of dealing with people only to meet her neighbor, an old lady that was very nosey by the way. - "Dear, you should check if your stove wasn't on. Earlier there was smoke coming out from your door, but as it disappear I thought you were trying to cook."– And with a toothless condescending smile, she left for the stairs.

"I'm so gonna kill that Witch Boy!" she thought squeezing hard her jaw to contain her anger.

She opened the door a little too abruptly looking for the offender. "Chase Collins I said no magic... What are you doing?"

Chase was wide spread on the couch, now a bag of chips was on his chest, a leg on the backrest of the couch, reading her Encantus as if it was the most normal read.

"I am studying. You said I am an illiterate Witch boy and I am correcting it." He was playing his role of innocent boy.

"You are not supposed to read other Witch's Encantus." Alessa was still standing in front of him looking in disbelief, as if all their morning chat served for nothing.

"Right, unless you kill her and absorb her power, she wills her power to you or she is in a life or death situation. Page 4. So, your grandmother is a High Priestess. Was she the one who gave you the concentrated power you used in me?"

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