
I wake up to the sunlight streaming through a window and I run my hand over it realizing that I'm in bed meaning that dad most probably carried me to the car. I look over at the clock and i realize that Paris is 7 hours ahead meaning that our jet lag could be the worst. I looked over at the time to see that it was 10 in the morning so I get up to quickly take a shower and to get ready.

As soon as I'm done in the bathroom I walk downstairs to see that I was home alone. I find the house keys placed on the key holder and I pull them walking out of the house and locking behind me. I walk down the streets for about twenty minutes then I take a right into the shop. The little bell rings over my head and I smile missing the smell of my granny's homemade cookies.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken." My grandfather says walking past me with a tray of breakfast muffins along with coffee.

"You could have woken me up." I mumble and go behind the counter relieving my granny of the counter work since she hated it.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and grabs an apron pulling it over her head. I smile up to the next customer and we work fast because there were extra people. Since lunch hour was rolling and my grandparents shop was in the middle of the city it was efficient for the business men and women.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" I ask the young woman who seems to be looking at the menu above of my head.

"Uhm is it possible for you to deliver a few cupcakes and sandwiches to the building five minutes away, we're willing to pay extra and we need it now because there's a meeting but there's no snacks." The lady says in a rush.

"I'm sure I can do that." I tell her not entirely sure.

"That's great." She smiles handing me a paper with all of the orders and walks away. I take a close look at the paper and I see the address there and directions of what I'm supposed to do as soon as I get there.

I get Maria who is another worker in the shop to take over the cash register and I go to the back where I get takeaway platters and start putting in the food making patterns with it. I take another platter and I put a variety of cupcakes. I grab coffee cups and I make the different coffees and I put them away in a plastic bag with the shops logo in front while holding the four coffee cups with a cup holder.

"Granny I'm going to deliver these to the building down the street." I tell her.

"Why don't you take the car? I don't want you straining your heart my baby." She tells me handing me the car keys and I go outside to the delivery car that they have purchased. I only realized then that my grandparents really had this whole business thing figured out.

I go into the car and take a quick look at the address and I put it in the system realizing that it's literally seven minutes away. I drive in the busy traffic and I get there soon and take the plastic and the coffee with me into the building.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The woman in the front desk greets me.

I hand her the paper and she smiles.

"Go to the elevator and press the 35th floor. As soon as you get there you're going to have to walk down until you reach a huge brown door. Just knock because I think the meeting has already started." She tells me and I nod my head walking to the elevator and following her instructions.

I quickly get to the 35th floor which was the last floor so it took quite some time to get there and I knock on the door like I was told to. A handsome man who looks to be in his early twenties opens the door looking a bit angry.

"You can just set it up on the table." He points to the long table and I walk in setting the platters up.

I turn around to hit his chest and I start blushing embarrassed of my actions.

"Thank you for doing this on such a short notice." He tells me handing me an envelope.

I look inside to see a note that said 200 and since I pretty much sucked at converting money I just took it and smiled at him. I walked away and back to the car where I drove back to the shop. As soon as I got there Maria asked for the car keys and I handed them to her helping her put the things in the car. I go back inside and hand the envelop to my granny who opens it confused but she eventually looks at me shocked.

"Amelia! Where did you get this from?" She asks.

"Remember I had to make a delivery and well this man just gave me the envelope and I might had peeked inside but then I left right after that." I explain quickly to her.

"This is a lot of money sweetheart, you're going to have to return it." She tells me handing me the envelope back.

"Granny that is a bit awkward, I mean he gave it to me knowing very well that it was more than enough." I groan crossing my arms over my each other.

"Amelia! You will return this envelope to that man right this instance. Tell him that it's too much and that it will be on the house." She tells me I groan taking the envelope back.

Since we had one delivery car which Maria took it meant that I would have to walk. I walked slowly to my destination not really wanting to reach the office building. Since I've been to Paris before I was quite familiar with a few streets given that the shop was in this street. I always used to take walks along while the shop wasn't busy just looking at the old structures.

I finally reach the place and I go past the receptionist and go back to the 35th floor. I go to the brown door and I knock lightly. I hear a quiet come in and I walk in walking to the man.

"Uhm sorry to disturb you but my granny said this is too much money and she can't take this. She said that it will be on the house." I tell the man and he finally looks up.

"I knew she was going to decline my money." The man says and it's only now I hear his accent.

"I guess I have to see her in person." He gets up from his chair taking his jacket with.

"So how are you little Amelia?" The guy says squeezing my cheeks.

• • •

Uhm who are you? 😂😂🌚
I also don't know if I'm being honest.


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