Chapter 2: Kian

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It's been a week since we were on the news. Our twitters have blown up. I'm almost at 2 million followers and O2L have nearly 3.1 million subscribers. I have almost 1.5 million on Superkian13 so it's a huge leap for us.

Last week we did a 3 million subscriber week where I went on Omegle and thanked our subscribers that were on it. Ricky went out and suprised people on the streets and Trevor and Sam just made videos thanking the viewers while Jc was ill so couldn't film. He's filming one and is going to put it up as soon as possible. It really is amazing how many people watch our videos. I really am thankful as without them I'd just be another normal teenager with dreams that could never come true.

Sam has to sleep in my room tonight. The room him and Trevor share is being repainted at the minute so they can't stay in there. Trevor's in Ricky's room.

This I am not looking forward to. I like Sam and if he was to sleep in my room then I don't know what I would do and since he is then I really don't know. Maybe I can go to Connor or Tyler about this. Connor's good with advice and Tyler's gay and always sees the good in everything so they should accept me, hopefully.

In my car, well Ricky's car, I finally decide that going to Tyler, not Connor is the best thing I can do ot this point. I mean he will understand, right? I hope so.

As I pull up to Tyler's house I see he has company. The door is opened before I even get to it. To my surprise it isn't Tyler I see but Troye.

"Hi Troye is l, ehrm Tyler here I was hoping to speak to him about something ehr personal." I say and before Troye gets the chance to answer Tyler shouts from another room that I can come in.

Walking behind Troye, he leads me to the living room where Tyler is sitting watching America's Next Top Model. How stereotypical of him.

"Tyler can I speak to you alone please," I ask awkwardly. Troye shuffles out the the room when Tyler motions for him to leave. I sense something happening in between these two. I do I really do.

" So, Kian, what do you have to tell me privately, that takes me away from my gorgeous boyfriend." you can tell he loves Troye just by the look in his eyes. At least he gets his dream boy.

"Ehrm Tyler I think I'm gay. No I know I am. Yeah." I start to cry. I'm not proud of this but I've kept this in for so long I just couldn't anymore and I think Tyler knows that.

"Kian, it's okay they'll understand." It's only when Tyler says that, that I have been saying exactly on my mind and these such things happen to include the remaining members of O2L.

"Kian you must have someone in mind." Tyler says winking when I stop crying.

"Well... I like Sam, ya know Sam with the beautiful eyes and rosy cheeks and..."

"Woah, Kian slow down. Sam as in Sam from O2L?" Tyler questions.

"Yeah m... That Sam."

I look at my phone having realised I had neglected my baby. Damn I think three missed calls and twelve texts, I'm popular. The calls were all from Sam and the texts were from both Sam and Jc. "Thanks Tyler but I best be off. My  friends want me"

"Bye Kian and come round whenever, I'm here for you." I head to Ricky's  car and look in the mirror at my reflection. I really want to be perfect so Sam likes me.

On my drive home I pick up Nandos because who doesn't like it.

I arrive home and no one's I head upstairs to eat my food before scrolling down the comments on my latest video.

Why do you even bother making videos Kian, no one likes you. Get a life you sick bitch.

Just kill yourself already. I wouldn't miss you.

O2L would have more subscribers without you in it. Your ugly face has made the others lose a subscriber. I'm sure everyone agree.

For every good comment there was at least three bad. Am I really hindering the boy's growth? I decide to sleep on it and have a fresh day tomorrow.

Some time during the night Sam comes in and lies on the couch we dragged in from the hallway. He falls straight asleep and his soft snores fill the room as I struggle to let sleep overcome me.

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