Wednesday Night Reborn | April 24th, 2019 (Catch Up Edition)

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Tori Calaway is out celebrating her WWR All-Star Title win from Resurrection. She is interrupted by Carter Jericho and Malia Cole. Carter points out that she was not pinned and thus, has a claim for the title. Tori does not agree, but eventually relents, promising to defend her title against Carter in the Main Event.

As she exits the arena, Tori is confronted by Ivory Bálor, who is excited about her Internet Title win. Tori warns Ivory not to interrupt her again. Ivory only seems to be focused on the ring, where she announces an open challenge for the WWR Internet Championship, though she states that the challenge is not open to Rebecca Power. The challenge is answered by Amina Skye.

Ivory Bálor (C) vs Amina Skye

There is a hard fought battle between Amina and Ivory, with the two often matching one another move for move. Amina begins to get the upper hand and it appears that there will be a new Internet Champion. Eventually, Ivory is able to use some underhanded tactics to get the better of Amina. Ivory plants Amina with a Curbstomp. Ivory pins Amina for the win.

"Here is your winner, and STILL WWR Internet Women's Champion, Ivory Bálor!"

Amina is further assaulted by Ivory after the match. Ivory then mocks the WWR Superstars as well as the crowd, claiming to be the superior champion and stating that she will reign as champion until she retires. The crowd boo her but Ivory does not react, instead mocking them with her title raised high as she exits the arena.

Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins make their entrance, upset about their attack at the Resurrection Special. They are interrupted by Braun Strowman, Leon Hartfield, and Sami Zayn. Braun Strowman challenges one of them for a match. All three members of The Shield seem to argue about who will fight Strowman, with all men offering their own bodies for their brothers. Braun interrupts, choosing Dean Ambrose.

Dean Ambrose (w/ Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins) vs Braun Strowman (w/ Leon Hartfield and Sami Zayn)

Ambrose and Strowman unfortunately never even seem to get out of the gate as a brawl ensues on the outside of the ring between the four non competitors. Though Dean and Braun attempt to stay focused in the ring, eventually their chaotic natures win over and the two join the fray on the outside and since Dean is the first to get hit by Sami Zayn, the ref disqualifies Braun.

"Here is your winner by disqualification, Dean Ambrose!"

The six men continue to brawl on the outside of the ring, chaos having descended upon the ring. Roman takes both himself and Braun out by spearing Strowman through the barricade. Leon and Dean take one another out after their fight leads them to the titantron where the two fall off and crash through the stage. Finally, Seth takes both himself and Sami out by catching Sami with a cross body through the announcer's desk.

As producers and refs help all six men backstage, Thea is backstage and welcomes Rebecca Power. Rebecca is upset about being targeted in the Battle Royale at Resurrection. Though she states that this means that she is viewed as a threat. She then claims that she will rise up and win gold eventually. Charlotte appears and mocks Rebecca over her loss. Rebecca responds by punching Charlotte and challenging her to a match.

In the ring, tag champions Sasha Banks And Bayley celebrate their Tag Team Championships win. Their celebration is interrupted by Alexa Bliss and Christina Adams. The two declare themselves the #1 Contenders for the belts. Sasha And Bayley admit that while they are up for the challenge, they expect Alexa and Christina to earn the opportunity with a match between Sasha and Alexa, Bliss seems hesitant, but ultimately agrees to the match.

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