Wednesday Night Reborn | March 20th 2018

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Elijah King stood in the middle of the ring, microphone in his hand with a smile on his face. Elijah waited a few minutes as the crowd cheered before rising the mic to his lips. "Hello everyone, and welcome to Wednesday Night Leg—." Elijah paused, feigning a confused look on his face. "Wait a minute, this is not Wednesday Night Legends, this is Wednesday Night Reborn! A show where women take center stage and are the Main Event." Elijah paused as he waited for the crowd to finish cheering. "Thank you, I am sure that all the women in the back appreciate your support. And that they are excited to come out here and compete not only for everyone here today, but for the titles that we are crafting at the moment for our superstars to contest for at our first special which will take place on April 21, 2019 and it will be titled, Resurrection."

Elijah paused as he waited for the crowd to die down before clearing his throat and continuing

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Elijah paused as he waited for the crowd to die down before clearing his throat and continuing. "And it is there that two women will contest for the top prize in the company... the WWR All-Star Women's Championship. That being said, it is not forgotten on me how important the men are, as it is also at Resurrection where two men will contend for the WWR World Heavyweight Championship." Elijah hesitated again before moving on to his conclusion. Before he can, music interrupts him. Carter Jericho makes her way on to the ramp, a microphone in her hand, Malia Cole not far behind her. Carter has an annoyed look on her face.

"Well, Elijah, I was curious, did you have an idea who will be participating in the All-Star Title Match at Resurrection. Because I think that as a former champion, I should be the first name entered into the match." Carter suggests. Elijah shrugs.

"Very true, but you are not the only former champion we have among our ranks. It seems to me that if you want a shot at the All-Star Championship, then you are going to have to earn it like anyone else.: Elijah decides. Carter rolls her eyes.

"Fine... who do I have to beat?" Carter asks. Elijah sighs.

"How about a woman who had a shot at the title before we decided to revamp this whole company. How about, Tori Calaway!" Elijah points to the top of the ramp where Tori's music starts. Tori steps out, a glare on her face towards the ring as she descends down the ramp. Tori slides in the ring, standing up so that she stood inches away from Carter. A ref slides into the ring, checking with both of them as Malia hopped outside of the ring, staying in Carter's corner. Tori stood in the opposite corner, staring at Carter with a dark, spiteful gaze.

"The following contest is set for one fall, introducing first, from Winnipeg, Canada, accompanied by Malia Cole, Carter Jericho!" Carter poses to a chorus of boos. "And her opponent, from Austin, Texas, Tori Calaway." Tori doesn't react, much to the crowd's disappointment. The ref checks with both women one last time before calling for the bell.

Carter Jericho w/ Malia Cole vs Tori Calaway

Carter Jericho w/ Malia Cole vs Tori Calaway

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