Resurrection Kick-Off | April 21st, 2019

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The theme music of Resurrection blares throughout the arena as the eight men begin their descent to the ring, an announces stands in the ring and clears his throat. "The following contest is an eight men battle royal. All competitors will start the match in the ring and as competitors are thrown over the top rope and their feet touch the ground, they will be eliminated until one contestant remains. This contestant will then become the number one contender for the WWR World Heavyweight Championship at Blood Reigns!" Referees surround the ring as the the eight men pack the ring. As they wait, tension builds in the ring as everyone looks to their side, every man for himself. A ref near the timekeeper's area notices the rising tension and calls for the bell.

8 Men Battle Royal

Seven of the men in the ring turn to face the biggest competitor in the ring

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Seven of the men in the ring turn to face the biggest competitor in the ring... Danger Green. They pile on top of him, punching, kicking, and striking Green. Danger takes a deep breath and shoves everyone back. All men on their back as Xavier King does a kip up back to his feet, as does El Temerario. Danger smiles as he looks to all the men and gestures for them to bring it. Temerario and King charge at him. Green takes down Temerario first with a big boot to the face. King runs past Green and springboards off the middle rope. As he goes for the flying spinning uppercut, Green catches King with an uppercut of his own. Danger grabs on to King and attempts to throw him over the top rope. King grabs onto the top rope and hangs on, landing on the apron.

Leon Hartfield makes it back to his feet, drop kicking Danger into King. King flies off of the apron but is able to land on the barricade. Xavier steadies himself as Leon and Danger watch incredulously. Caught off guard, Leon does not notice when Dean and Seth grab onto him and toss him over the top rope. Leon lands on the apron. Sami attempts to Helluva Kick Seth Rollins over the top rope, but Dean and Seth move out of the way, causing Leon to take the kick and fall to the ground.

Leon Hartfield Has Been Eliminated

Leon slams on the ground in pain and anger as Sami looks down at him, his foot still resting on the top rope. Sami attempts to apologize but while he is distracted, Seth and Dean flip Sami over the top rope. Sami falls onto the ground, crashing into Leon.

Sami Zayn Has Been Eliminated

Seth and Dean high five but seemingly have no time to rest as Danger grabs into the legs of Dean and Seth and with a massive heave, sends both men toppling over the top rope, Seth hitting the ground just a second before Dean.

Seth Rollins Has Been Eliminated

Dean Ambrose Has Been Eliminated

Danger smiles as he turns back to the ring and is immediately put down with a sling blade from Finn Bálor. Outside of the ring. Sami and Leon attack Dean and Seth on the ground. The four men start to wage war as the refs struggle to maintain order. At the same time, King balances himself onto the barricade and leaps through the air. Xavier falls just short of the apron but is able to hold onto the rope. Temerario notices and kicks the top rope, but King holds on tight. As Dean, Seth, Sami, and Leon are escorted by a number of refs backstage, King uses all of his core strength to pull himself up and over the top rope, back into the ring. As King struggles back to his feet he is met with an enzuigiri from Temerario. Meanwhile Finn has started to put the boots to Danger in the corner of the ring. Finn and Temerario pause, turning to look at one another. The two charge, meeting one another in the middle of the ring.

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