Blood Reigns 2019 | May 26th, 2019 (Catch Up Edition)

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The WWR Internet Championship is already hanging high above the ring and ladders of various sizes surround the ring. The music of the Bella Twins fill the arena. Nikki and Brie Bella make their entrance together, but it becomes clear that the two were not approaching as a team, and would do whatever they needed to leave Blood Reigns as champion. Their music is then replaced by that of Asuka. Asuka makes her way down to the ring, knowing full well that she may be walking into an ambush. To prevent this, Asuka stays a safe distance away from the ring, eyes locked in the Internet Championship as the Champion makes her own entrance. Ivory Bálor makes her way down to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, glaring at the Bella's, Asuka entering suit. Each women take a corner as the match gets underway.

Ivory Bálor (C) vs Asuka vs Brie Bella vs Nikki Bella
WWR Internet Championship
Fatal-4-Way Ladder Match

All four women clearly have a personal and vested interest in the match, with all having points in the match where they get to the top of the ladder and have the Internet Championship in their grasp. However, the competitors struggle with keeping watch for the three other women. The end comes when Asuka is about to reach the title, but the Bella's push the ladder out from under her. Asuka holds on to the title and tries to pull the title down with her. She fails and falls hard to the mat, Brie and Nikki then hit Asuka with a Bella Buster and a Rack Attack 2.0 respectively and in secession. Asuka is out as the two sisters argue as they go to grab the ladder. The two begin to fight, making their way to the middle of the ring. Ivory recovers and uses the ladder, smashing it into the twins and sending them to the outside. Bálor takes her time setting up the ladder and climbs to the top. Asuka recovers and attempts to get herself back into the ring. Ivory locks eyes with her as she retrieves the Internet Championship, making her by pretending to cry to add insult to injury.

"Here is your winner and STILL the WWR Internet Champion, Ivory Bálor!"

Ivory celebrates at the top of the ladder as her music plays loud in the arena. Asuka tears up as she smacks on the apron in frustration. The Bella Twins also glare on angrily and the two hold onto one another and help the other back up the ramp. Asuka follows the two women, a saddened look on her face. Ivory kisses her title before climbing down to the mat. Bálor enjoys the boos she gets as she merely continues her victory lap up the ramp. Before she makes her exit, Ivory stops one final time to mock the crowd, holding the title high and staking her lineage in the history of the Internet Championship even further.

With the ring area empty, refs appear from the back, chairs in hand as they begin to set up chairs around the ring. Once the arena is set up, the officials leave. After a few seconds of silence, the music of Aleister Black cuts through the empty arena. Aleister appears from under the ramp on a platform, stepping out onto the ramp with an angry and sinister look on his face. Immediately upon reaching the ring, Aleister grabs a chair and awaits in his corner, sitting on the mat with the chair laid before him. The music of Xavier King answers Black's. King descends to the ramp and takes the corner opposite of Black, not stopping to grab a weapon of his own. Despite this, the match does underway.

Aleister Black vs Xavier King
Chairs Match

Both men are clearly part of this match in order to punish the other. Ironically, Black seems to have an undisciplined way of dishing the punishment while King seems to be taking a more controlled offense. This leads to both men showing flaws as well as signs of dominance. The end comes when Aleister grabs a kendo stick from under the ring, the ref pulls the weapon out of his hands, reminding him that he can still be DQ'd as chairs are the only legal weapon. As the official disposes of the illegal weapon, King attempts to catch Black with King's Wrath, Black kicks the groin of King out of sight of the ref. Black then picks up a chair and tosses it to King. King fights through the pain and catches it, but this turns out to be a mistake as Black hits the Black Mass, smashing the chair into the face of Xavier and pinning him.

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