Yes he was strong, just not in the way he tried to portray himself as, and that could be both a good and a bad thing.

“Now, was there a reason you wanted to know what I was scared of?” I shook my head, it was all just curiosity, it wasn’t like it was on my list of things to ask him.

“Just curious. You said I wasn’t like the others, what others? What does that even mean?”

“That was two questions dear; you’re only permitted one at a time. So, I’ll answer the first one. The others I’ve tried to protect, they didn’t really behave so I had to let them go, save them from themselves and from the world.” He emphasized let them go, drawling out the whole explanation as he walked circles around my swaying body.

I swallowed harshly; glad that somehow I had kept myself alive without realizing it. My eyes unintentionally widened, fear coursing through my veins.

He chuckled lightly, standing directly in front of me. His hand came up to caress my cheek.

“You’re so cute.” He muttered, warm fingers still lightly dancing over the flushed skin of my cheeks. “The things I would do to you…” he mumbled quieter, trailing off at the end while his hand began to trail downwards. I shivered at the thought, not sure if it was a shiver of fear or pleasure. I chose not to delve into it though, trying to keep my body from reacting to his touch.

He was hot, beautiful even and had we met in different circumstances well…. He wasn’t an eye sore so really it was quite unfair of him to do this. I was naked, how the hell would I hide anything, but then again maybe that was what he wanted.

“I can tell you’re holding back, don’t do that. I’ll take care of you…” He whispered again, his hot breath fanning over the top of my neck and my ear as he seductively spoke to me. I shivered again, this time blaming it on the freezing temperature of the room. His warm hands were resting on my stomach, staying frozen as his dark hazelnut eyes watched my every move. Watched as my eyes widened, my breathing picked up, my heart pound out of my chest, and a dark pink flush made its way from my chest to the top of my ears.

I was shivering and sweating all at once, and he hadn’t even really properly touched me in anyway. I was close to begging. For what? I didn’t know, whether it was to touch me make me feel excited and wanted, or to not touch me, mot make me embarrassed and flustered.

I wasn’t hard, thank god, but I could feel the excitement rush through my veins, begging me to get hard.

And his eyes begged as well, begged me to react to his touch, begged me to beg for him.

I wasn’t weak, and I wouldn’t fall to him… not with everything I had gotten through. I didn’t want to lose whatever power and control I had left, but that was seemingly impossible considering I had none.

My whole body was shaking, with want- the want for freedom, or pleasure I still didn’t know- but it was shaking. I wanted to let go, to stop thinking everything over. Hey, he could kill me- do the world a favor- at any moment, or he could keep me here forever, or he could let me go- not that that was likely but hey. I could always be saved, but I could always be taking my last breath.

Fuck it. I relaxed, no longer fighting with myself or him.

His touch was warm, his smirk prominent when he saw me give up, and his hands begun slowly trialing downwards again. He inched his way, and soon he was soo close to touching me. I could feel my excitement, as I begun to get hard. His warm hand hovered over it, the heat radiating off of his skin and onto mine. He licked his lips, eyes dark.

And then the doorbell rang, echoing off the walls.


I’m getting a slight case of writers block for this story, so sorry that updates are sporadic and short!

Any one want to make me a new cover with my new name or a trailer? It would be much appreciated!

Dedication to: the commenter that can guess whats going to happen in the next chapter!

It’s short but I feel like a lot of things happened in this chapter.


What is going on with Niall?

Is Zayn just going to have his way and dump him?

Is there a blossoming relationship coming or no?

What is going to happen next?


30 comments and votes for an update?


Xx Val

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