Chapter 3 : A Game

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"Ehm, Alexa?" I mumbled. "Isn't this a race? Why are you dragging me with you?"

"Oh, um, we are racing!" She answered nervously. "With Hedgehog and Oscar as our rivals!"

I raised an eyebrow. I stood still, not letting her dragging me anywhere any longer---unless she had an explanation for it.

"Really? they didn't even follow us, Alexa."

She gasped, "and how do you know it, Mr. Smarty-Pants?"

"I, I couldn't see them," I replied. I knew that it was not the smartest thing to ask and it was easily denied, but it was the only thing came to my mind by the moment.

"I am sure they are at full-speed by now. Gotta go faster."

She started to drag me even faster, not even bother to look wether I enjoyed this or not.


"Alexa, stop! Please!" I groaned in pain, a fake one. "My feet hurts with all the running. If we really are on a race, I am sure they are still far away back. Chill."

She looked worried, "ah, f-for real? I am so sorry Max! Wha-what can I do?"

I knew lying wasn't a good thing to do, not even when it was meant for the good. Yet I couldn't let her keep her mouth shut forever.

"You don't need to do a thing, but I would love to have a break."

"Okay, no problemo. If that is what you really want, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She faked a laugh after all those words came out. She was acting weirder these days---not that she was weird, it was just, it looked like she hid something from me.

I didn't mind with her personal secret. It was just, sometime, bothering me. I liked her, she is my best friend. . .

. . .but sometimes she treated me like we never were. Something very odd, indeed.

It felt like she treated me as if I was her belonging. An item of hers.

"Umm, Alexa?" I started the conversation.

She grinned, "yeah?"

"Could I say something crazy?" I asked as I laid my back on the tree trunk behind us.

Her grin got wider as she stared at me intensely, she could get the crap out of me for sure.

"Yeah sure," she answered without hesitation.

"Do you have a feeling for someone? And that someone is. . ." I muttered hesitantly.

Not the questions on the first line that made me nervous, it was the addition.

". . .me?"

she became to laugh, a hysterical laugh.

"What? No?! Of course no-"

She cut her own words, and started to stare at me in the eyes.

"Wait a minute, you know what?" She added. "Who am I lying to? Of course, I have got a feeling for you. Well done, you got me, Mr. Smarty-Pants. You are just too cute."

She squished my cheek as she cuddled me. I backed away quickly. I was so nervous.

My best friend liked me all this time?

"You really meant it?"

She nodded. A red hue covered her face, it looked like she was blushing by now.

"So, um, do you. . ."

I didn't listen the last words of her sentence as I heard a piece of conversation not too far away from us---no, not one, two.

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