Chapter 90

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· Yeong-Gi:

o Being investigated for charges of assault and drug possession

o Told his rich father that he does not want Shin-ae involved, even though she can vouch for him

o May or may not have taken his college entrance exams and is keeping that detail a secret

o Dates a super model, Alyssa Cho

o Wants his half-brother Kousuke (whom he distrusts) at Shin-nae's party, Dec 21, which is also Yeong-Gi's birthday

o Helped Shin-ae with an intruder

o Worked with Kousuke to rescue Shin-ae at their company's party

· Kousuke:

o Worked with Yeong-Gi to rescue Shin-ae at their company's party

o Hired Shin-ae to be his assistant, with the stipulation she take etiquette classes

o Thinks making a relationship with his half-brother Yeong-Gi (aka: Nol) will be pointless

o Allows Shin-ae to use his first name

o Not dating anyone, but has a make-up remover spray to repel unwanted female attention (specifically on Alyssa's sister, Megan Cho)

o Thinks Yeong-Gi has an easy and care free life...and envies him for it

o Uses sweets and cooking to relax from stress

o Distrusts his mother (Mrs. Hirahara) after multiple attempts to manipulate Shin-ae and himself

· Shin-ae:

o Suffered a second brain injury from the Hirahara company party, just before her college entrance exams

o Her best friend, Min Hyuk Park, is coming back home from college for the holidays, while his sister Maya Park (a later friend of Shin-ae) is feeling left out from the recent events in Shin-ae's life

o Is currently staying at her best friend's family home until her father is out of the hospital

o Father is currently in the hospital for alcoholic related injuries (and does not know about Shin-ae's recent head injury)

o Used to be friends with Ashley Cho until a fateful event in middle school

o Currently works at Hirahara company as Kousuke's assistant, after being taken advantage of by Mrs. Hirahara

o Went to the amusement park with Dieter (a German-American classmate that has a crush on Shin-ae)

o Found an intruder in her home claiming to be her long lost sister, and admitted to following Shin-ae since seeing her at the mall




As I approach Kousuke's office, I could hear shouts coming from his closed door. "I know those voices" I said to myself. "I know it's not right to eavesdrop," I thought, "but I need to talk to Kousuke. And those brothers (the Hiraharas) are always at odds... I'll just wait out here until they're done."

"Don't you play dumb with me..." (Yeong-Gi)

"...It's for her own good." (Kousuke)

WAIT! They're arguing about me! I realized. "I need to stop them," I told myself, "They're brothers! They shouldn't fight over me!" I am about to turn the door knob and enter Kousuke's office to stop this craziness ...until I heard HIS voice. It pierced my heart and made me halt in my tracks.

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