Chapter 18: Dear Prudence

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I watched John casually shake his hips to the radio as he put the dishes away. I glanced down every now and then to check if Brian was asleep yet. His eyes were still drowsily half shut. I got something in my eye and started to blink rapidly. A small giggle could be heard. I glanced down and felt my eyes widened at that wonderful sound coming from the child in my arms.

"John!" I hollered.

"Yes, dear?" John sounded concerned.

"I think," I exhaled,"I think the baby just laughed!" I heard rapid footsteps get louder and louder.

"About time! What did it take? 5 whole months. This one must be one of those serious kids," John joked.

"Sure," I giggled, "John, babies love glasses," John gave me a little smirk and disappeared for a second.

Within ten seconds he was back with a small collection of glasses. Iayed Brian down on a soft blanket as John made silly faces at the baby. I looked down at John's glasses. He had a pair from Elton- the man with the finest glasses, Bowie, and a couple we spotted in old shops on our days off. I grabbed the pair from Elton and put them on.

"Hey there," I widened my eyes. Another giggle was heard. Then another. And another. I couldn't help but laugh. It seems as though it was contagious as John started laughing too.

That's when I heard it. The phone rang loudly. If got up quickly and heard my ankle snap. I entered the kitchen and picked up the phone.

"McCartney residence," I said rather irritated.

"Paul?" It was Olivia- George's wife, " Nobody called you?"

"What for?"

"George and I are in the hospital. George is hurting worse than me though..." she trailed off.

"Olivia, John and I are on our way. What hospital?"

"St. Peter's."

I slammed the phone down and ran into the living room.

"John, we have to get a babysitter. George is hurt. Olivia too," John's eyes widened with confusion.

"Well Paulie, what happe-"

"I don't know, John. I don't know. Just call... urm... Stella. She's free today." John nodded slowly and stood up, "hurry!" I warned impatiently.

We waited about fifteen minutes until Stella showed up at our door.

"Love you, Stella. Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as John and I raced out of our large home.

The drive to the hospital was stressful yet quick. When we arrived John and I basically jumped put of the car and ran into the hospital.

"We need to see George," I remembered how formal hospitals could be, "Harrison, that is."

"Can I take a name?" I'm sorry, but I just didn't have time for this.

"I'm sure you know our names," I snapped, "now hurry please. I think it's bad," I looked down at my converse, "please."

"He's in room 504," she handed us a paper map.

We made it to the elevators in mere seconds, having to catch our breathe.

"Do you think this is how they acted with us," I shrugged.

We made up to floor 5 and easily found George's room. John slowly opened the door and saw George hooked up to the ghastly machines. Olivia was in a bed right next to his.

"Oh, Geo," I gasped.

"Hi, got a bit of a surprise last night," he waved with a smile.

"What the he'll happened?" John asked in a hoarse voice.

George sighed, "some jerk broke in with a knife," he looked over at Olivia, "we both got it bad. But, we'll survive," another smile. But, I saw worry in his eyes. "Paul, I'm being honest," he gave me puppy eyes.

"Okay, I trust you," I loosened up and felt my shoulders drop.

The door opened behind us and in came Dhani.

"Oh, hi uncle Paul. Hi, uncle John," he looked so much like his father.

We stayed until visiting hours were over and left quietly.

"Paul," John said, "I think Georgie's sick."

If John Lennon had SurvivedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ