Chapter 9: Imagine

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The morning sun shone brightly in my eyes as I stretched out my limbs. The smell of fresh coffee lifted me out of bed. I walked down the hall glancing at the pictures of family and friends. I greeted Sean as I watched him peacefully eat his toast.

I smiled at the sight of John reading a newspaper while leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Morning luv," I said while grabbing a cup of coffee and kissing John on the cheek. Today was the day. We were going to go meet surrogates willing to make us a happy and complete family. I mean, we were already happy, but I think you know what I mean.

"Bye, dad. I'm going to go this art studio downtown," Sean broke the romantic silence, "OH, uh... Paul, can I uh, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything," his eyes that he inherited from his father widened.

"Um, well, I feel awkward calling you Paul, so is there anything you wan-" I felt like I had to answer that one rather quickly.

"Dad. But, I guess that may get confusing so call me..." I really had to think on this one, "your brother calls me uncle Paul, so I guess you should follow him. Though that does sound the slightest bit odd if you think about it..." I heard a giggle come out of Sean's mouth. It was kind of adorable.

"Uncle Paul sounds neat." Sean slowly stood up and gave us farewells for the day. This was going to be his last day with us. His plan was to go to the art studio for two hours, walk around a bit, and then come home for a nice family lunch before packing up and leaving. I don't quite think that I was ready for him to go.

"Should we get going," I nodded in response and got on my shoes while John patiently waited. We exited our home and entered our sleek car. The whole ride there was full of conversation of what we were going to do as new parents.

"Well, we still have to interview people, John," I had to remind him, he was just talking like the baby was already here.

"Well, I think what you guys are doing is totally cool," the pregnant twenty some year old took another hit of her cigarette. We were definetly not going to choose her. By now we had interviewed ten other girls and only had so much time left. The next girl walked in. She looked average. Her auburn hair was back in a clean ponytail and she wore an orange cardigan on top of a white dress and nice-but-not-too-fancy shoes.

"Hi, I'm Nancy and I'm five months pregnant," that's how every girl introduced herself. It was now our turn to ask questions.

"Don't mind me asking, but why have you entered yourself to uhh..." I tried not to sound too rude.

"I have a scholarship for college waiting and I'm just not ready for a baby," John nodded. We asked her more questions like how old she was and such. She's nineteen. The boyfriend is still not around either. She called it a:

"Hit and run."

John and I looked at each other in the end and asked the girl to sign some papers and if she was sure that she wanted to do this.

"I'm positive," she said with positivity.

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