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Have been waiting to give you this chapter for ages🙀😊

Third person's POV:

"Niall. It's hopeless. He's like blinded by Emily's love" Liam shakes his head while Niall munched on his popcorn , letting out a inhuman scream when the player on T.V hits a goal.

"I don't even know how you have time for sports when we're on call almost everyday" Zayn shakes his head , disinterested with the game on screen but more into his text conversation with Evelyn.

I have something to show you ;)

Zayn hits send after typing his text , a smile making way to his lips.

Ev💫 :


Zayn shakes his head at another one of Evelyn's bland texts and brings his thumbs forward to reply.

Zee😊 :

Just come over ;) We're going on an adventure..

Adventure? Pfft. Where was he going with this now? Evelyn didn't wanna think hard on it but just move her arse out of her bed and get a move on. She was curious about what her bestfriend was about to show her.


I'll be over in a minute.

Zayn puts his phone down and smiles widely , suddenly deciding to pay attention to the game in front of him.

"Like I was saying, guys. We have to get them back together. I don't think Millie and Louis are in with us on this. They are too stuck on the concept that Evelyn should move on and I don't think..."

"They're right. She should" Zayn replies , locking his phone and placing it on the empty spot next to him on the couch.

"Wait. Are you for real right now?" Niall freezes , muting the T.V.

This wasn't good. Niall was now directing his full attention towards Zayn , staring into his eyes and reading his expression.

"You're in love with her. Not just feelings. Love" Niall exclaims , putting out his jazz hands making Zayn roll his eyes.

"It's not love. I don't think it's love" Zayn mutters , unmuting the television to try and distract Niall with another goal that was hit just recently.

"Then why would you be against Harry and Evelyn getting back together?" Liam speaks up , turning to look at him.

"I am not against anything. It's just not possible anymore , okay? Do you guys think it's alright for her to keep moping around that jerk and not be happy anymore. She deserves to be happy" Zayn groans , sick of trying to make his point over and over again.

"But atleast admit to us that you have a teensy bit of heart eyes for.."

"Nope" Zayn cuts Niall off , making Niall frown.

"C'mon Zee. You L-O-V-E her" Liam chuckles , as Zayn shakes his head constantly.

"Alright. Alright. I really really like her and would love to go on a date with her. Is that too much to ask?" Zayn's voice booms across the living room and the two boys become silent , not just cuz Zayn blurted out his deepest, darkest secret but also cuz Evelyn was standing at the door and hearing all of it with her mouth hung wide open.

"What?" Zayn lets out a puff of air and turns around , awkwardly smiling at the girl right behind him.

"Are we ready to go?" Evelyn shifts uncomfortably in her spot , fidgeting with the ends of her halterneck top which ended well above her belly button.

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