For the bus boy

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Age is only a number.
A number that justifies your worth in someone's eyes.
The older the better is usually the case.

But what people do not understand is that
Is since age is only a number,
One year apart means nothing.
Yet one year apart means everything.

I will always lie underneath the fact that I am too young for the good boys, but too old for the bad ones.

Not once will I stand in between.
You could be perfect to me,
In every way possible.

But yet you are not perfect for me but instead perfect for her.

And that's okay,
My perfect will come my way soon.

Even when I want my perfect to be you. .

Age is only a number.
A number that justifies your worth in someone's eyes.
The older the better is usually the case.

But what people do not understand is that
Is since age is only a number,
One year apart means nothing.
Yet one year apart means everything.

I will always lie underneath the fact that I am too young for the good boys, but too old for the bad ones.

Not once will I stand in between.
You could be perfect to me,
In every way possible.

But yet you are not perfect for me but instead perfect for her.

And that's okay,
My perfect will come my way soon.

Even when I want my perfect to be you.

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