Was Hoseok ignoring Namjoon? Perhaps.

Was he going to pass that information to Yoongi to most possibly get told off? Absolutely not.

Hoseok knew he had no reason to be so uncomfortable around the other but he could not help himself. Namjoon was acting as if nothing happened (because, really,nothing happened, Hoseok reminded himself) and he was not sure if Namjoon knew about him calling his best friend and apparent ex a slut or if he was unaware and thought Hoseok was a good person. Either way he felt guilty. Gut-eating, suffocating guilty.

He also felt uncharacteristically awkward. He was reminded of the kiss the two shared with way too many details whenever he so much as gazed at the younger's lips. (Why was he glancing at his lips anyway? Sure they were plump and rosy and- fuck, not again.)

In conclusion, he felt like an idiot and decided to be an even bigger idiot by ignoring his problem (Namjoon) and concentrating on other things (not Namjoon).

Yoongi had moved on to relating a very passionate date he and his boyfriend had last saturday to Hoseok when there was a knock at the door.

"Hoseok hyung?" Namjoon's voice was soft as usual.

"Yeah?" The other called, getting up way too quickly to seem casual.

Hoseok immediately cut the call, ignoring Yoongi's prying questions after he mouthed a very quick sorry.

"It's been a while since we ate together.... Do you want to have some takeout today? Anything you wish for. I don't mind," Namjoon said cautiously.

It made Hoseok feel like an even bigger asshole if that was possible. Namjoon was always so polite. Even after being so awkward and fidgety he still tried to come forward and keep him company.

Oh god, Hoseok was such an asshole.

Hoseok opened the door with his practice bag hanging on one shoulder. His hair was uncharacteristically disheveled and he was still in sandals.

"Sorry, I can't today. I have classes till late," he avoided Namjoon's gaze but could still hear his sigh.

"Alright,"the younger mumbled. "Don't come too late okay?"

With a tight nod, Hoseok pushed past him and headed to the door.

He checked his watch.


He was running away again.


Hoseok went to dance practice without shoes. He was so embarrassed he decided to cover up his mistake by teaching contemporary dance instead of hip hop 'for a change'. His students gave him weird looks but he ignored all of them with red cheeks.

When Taemin, a fellow coworker and good friend of Hoseok, heard about it in the break room, he fell off his chair laughing. Hoseok's ears grew so red he felt obliged to hide them under his beanie.

The male was now walking back home frowning at his sandals. It was about two in the morning. So much for saying he would come early.

After his late night class, he decided to practice some more but instead of choreographing like he meant to, he ended up free-styling a few songs. He felt content with himself to say the least.

The feeling was, however, slowly fading away as he walked home.

He stopped in his steps.

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