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It was only when the sofa dipped beside him that Hoseok finally snapped out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in

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It was only when the sofa dipped beside him that Hoseok finally snapped out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in.

His head felt heavy and there was that insatiable feeling in his stomach making him frown at his hands. Why was he feeling like that again? Sure he was bored, but he was feeling completely fine a while ago.

Fucking emotions. Always confusing him. He hated it as a teenager and still did so as a grown adult.

He heard the rustle of clothes closing nearer to him without lifting his head up. Hoseok sighed, frustrated.

Not her again. A few minutes ago, some bleached haired college girl came up to him and tried to snatch his number. He waved her off but she was persistant enough- even tried to sit on his lap. Hoseok cringed, remembering the alcohol stench on the girl and how she tried to flirtatiously play with his hair. 

Great. Fucking great. He had to yet again deal with this overly hormonal heterosexual. What a great fucking day.

When he felt the person's thighs stroke his, he snapped his head up, cheeks red and eyes already in a glare.

"What the fuck are you doing? I told you I'm not interested," Hoseok growled, only to meet a familiar pair of warm brown eyes.

The younger man had his lips in a pout, his legs  now pulled closed to his chest. His eyes were slightly closed and his entire face and neck was flushed from the alcohol.

"Namjoon?" A whisper. His ears heated up.

"Tae doesn't wanna give me vodka no more! I wanna drink. Gimme your beer, Hoseokie," he whined, hands already reaching for the plastic glass.

It took a minute for what just happened to register in his brain but as soon as it did he fumbled to push Namjoon's grabby hands away.

"No. You look completely intoxicated. Do you want to damage your liver? How much did you even drink?"

Hoseok was still red in the face -despite his stoic expression- and Namjoon closing in to him was not helping in any way. The younger pouted, batting his eyelashes. (And wow Namjoon had really pretty eyelashes. How did he only notice this now?)

His lips turned into a bigger even frown as Taehyung neared the pair, his hands on his hips.

"Aish this hyung. Whenever he decides to drink I always end up babysitting him. How are you Hoseok hyung?"

Hoseok cringed slightly. He did not remember giving Taehyung the permission to call him hyung.

"Fine," he replied dryly, trying to push Namjoon upright.

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