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It was one in the afternoon when Namjoon greeted Hoseok and his father at the door

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It was one in the afternoon when Namjoon greeted Hoseok and his father at the door.

He had come to drop the young man off. Hoseok was in his usually fashionable attire: tight dark grey pants and a flashy black and white striped shirt. He was trailing two enormous luggage covered in cartoonish stickers behind him.

Mr Jung was quick to leave, muttering something about how his wife would skin him alive if he did not have lunch with her that day. (Namjoon bit back a laugh while Hoseok had to roll his eyes.) He kissed Hoseok's forehead affectionately and patted Namjoon's shoulder.

"Behave well, kiddo," he smiled and it was the same sunshine smile as his son and warmed both men's heart.

"See you, old man."

Namjoon dragged the luggages in while the other bid his father goodbye, giving them the time and space the Jungs needed. When the door closed behind them, both boyish men stood in the middle of the living room unsure of what to do.

"Hmm, would you like some tea? Coffee?" Namjoon offered before pursing his lips and looking at Hoseok under his eyelashes.

He was aware that today was the day. The move-in. Jimin and Taehyung had had long conversations about how to behave with Hoseok (although they both knew it was unlikely Namjoon would ever do something bad- awkward yes, bad not really- it was simply an excuse to boost their friend's confidence. And it did work.)

Hoseok shook his head slightly and scrutinized the place well. The last time he came over, he had not realized that this was the place he was going to live in for the following four months. With another man. Just the two of them.

He felt slightly shaken and nervous. He had almost always lived with his parents. During university, they gave him utmost comfort with his own luxurious apartment near the campus. He had never had to co-habitate before and he was too prideful to say that it kind of scared him. To what extent was he really allowed to call this place his home?

"Want a tour?" Namjoon quizzed a few meters away, capturing Hoseok's attention. He offered the other a glass of apple juice instead and although Hoseok had initially refused, he gratefully gulped the liquid down in almost an instant.

Hoseok nodded sharply.

Namjoon awkwardly brushed past him and started showing him around. Hoseok followed closely behind him, trying his best to calm the twirl in his stomach.

When they reached the kitchen, Namjoon stood by the counter and hummed.

"Do you perhaps cook?"he asked sheepishly.

Hoseok's eyebrows creased as he nodded slowly.


Namjoon thought about the blatant void in his (now, their) refrigerator and lowered his head. Since very young, he had discovered that he had no culinary talent at all and had no will to cook ever since. He avoided cooking like fire (and not because he had once caused one in this very kitchen, but that was another story).

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