Introduction - How it started (Part I)

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Hello to everyone, whoever is reading this.
I already described myself in the summary, hope you didn't miss that.
When I was 7, after my father passed away, I started suffering from nocturnal enuresis, also commonly known as bedwetting.

After a week that I kept waking up in soaked bedsheets one night my mom came upstairs into my room, turned the light on, took my pyjamas off and put a pink pull-up diaper between my legs.
I didn't really know how to react, I was feeling incredibly ashamed but at the same time I was happy not having to wake up anymore in wet and stinky bedsheets.
She then sat down besides me, took my hand and told me "Honey, Emily. I know how you feel and I know that this isn't your fault but I think it would be better for both of us if you wear these until this phase passes." She gave me a kiss on my forehead, wished me a good night, turned the light off and left.
I laid there, thinking about what she said. After a while I turned around and felt the soft diaper that I had on. It felt like thicker underwear and it made my crotch sweat but I soon got used to it and it made me feel safe and protected.

The warm bright sun shining through my window woke me up the next morning. I stretched my arms and legs, put my right hand under the bedsheet and felt the diaper, I was immediately brought back to reality and it reminded me of what happened last night.
I touched the diaper, it felt cold inside and by pressing some of the cold absorbed pee came out again. I then put my hand inside and it was all cold and sticky, I smelled the old urine when my mom came into my room. I quickly pulled the blanket on me to cover my soaked diaper. "Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" She said while she was coming towards me. I responded with a quick "fine" as she leaned over me to open the window.
She then asked if I had to tell her anything, I became embarrassed and blushed but gave no answer, after staring at me for about 30 seconds she put her hand under my blanket and touched my cold diaper.
"It's ok, don't worry" she said "now I'll take it off and then you should go take a bath so that you're all nice and clean".
I stood up, she checked my diaper and my bed if I hadn't leaked, ripped the pull-up open on the sides and took it gently off me while looking for rashes or allergic reactions at my lady parts.
She stroke my hair, kissed me and went downstairs to prepare the breakfast while I had a really long bath.

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