Hoseok is a pastry chef who has three coffee shops at present. He’s not in a relationship but he is courting someone at the moment.

Namjoon is a famous DJ around Seoul. He’s currently dating some girl that he met at a club a few months ago. Though he said that it wasn’t anything serious yet.

Yoongi is earnestly pursuing his dream to be a music producer. He mentioned that he was committed only to his music and his music alone.

Seokjin owned a few restobars. He’s engaged to his longtime girlfriend who was also his business partner.

While Taehyung is a project manager in a manufacturing company in Seoul. He just started at the company a week ago. He’s currently familiarizing himself with the changes around the city. And it almost felt like he was a total stranger to the place.

They were done eating dinner and were just drinking beer when Jungkook received a call from Lisa.

“Lis! Lis! What’s wrong, baby? I can’t understand anything. Try to breathe properly first before speaking.”

All their attention were shifted to Jungkook when he abruptly got up from his seat while talking to Lisa. He walked away from the group to talk to Lisa in private. But he looked worried and his voice sounded serious as he was speaking to her. Though he was whispering on the phone, they all knew that something was troubling him.

When he turned to face them, stress was clearly plastered all over his face. He was eyeing Jimin and Taehyung as he walked back to their table.

Then he turned to Yoongi, “Hyung, I need you to drive me, Jimin and Taehyung-hyung somewhere. While the rest can follow us with another car. And don’t ask me any questions. We need to go, now!” Jungkook ordered with an authoritative tone.

Then he rushed downstairs while leaving the guys bewildered by his actions. But the rest of them immediately followed Jungkook out after their initial shock.

When they were already inside the cars, Jungkook told Yoongi to drive to a certain place without letting Taehyung and Jimin know where they were going.

“Jungkook, where are we going?” Jimin asked. “Why won’t you tell us?”

“You’ll know when we get there.” He answered bluntly.

They drove for a couple of minutes before Yoongi stopped in front of a hospital’s emergency room. Jungkook hurriedly got off the car, followed by Jimin and Taehyung.

When they got inside, Lisa ran up to Jungkook with heavy tears running down her cheeks.

“It’s okay, baby. Everything’s going to be alright.” Jungkook whispered while gently rubbing Lisa’s back.

While the boys behind Jungkook were nudging and eyeing each other, still clueless of what truly happened and why they were all there.

Lisa broke from the hug and walked towards Jimin. She gave Taehyung a glance before she talked to Jimin. “Oppa! Listen carefully and make sure not to freak out. Okay?”

Jimin suddenly looked pale as he answered, “What is it Lisa?”

“I-It’s Chaeyoung . . .”

“Wh-what?! Why? What happened to her? Where is she?” Jimin bawled out.

“Jimin, calm down.” Jin interrupted.

“How could you expect me to calm down when my sister’s in the freakin’ hospital?”

“We don’t know what happened to her yet. Give Lisa a chance to tell us everything.” Namjoon tried to appease the fuming Jimin.

“Right. I’m sorry, Lisa. It’s just that . . . Chaeyoung and the hospital never sounded good together.” Jimin said.

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