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Several years later I was sitting in the living room watching TV with the kids while waiting for Chris to come home from the recording studio. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and close. Chris came into the living room Esmeralda and Abigail ran to him, he bent down and picked them both up Chris joined me on the couch he kissed me and looked at Jace sitting on my lap he kissed his cheek. Jace looked at Chris and smiled Anastasia was sitting in the recliner acting nervous she wouldn't look at Chris or me. 

"Anastasia what's the matter?" I asked worried. 

"While I was out with my aunts, I asked Aunt Lilith if she could please drive me to dad's parents' house and plead with my grandparents to get to know their grandchildren they refused." Anastasia said. 

"Sweetheart, your mother and I have tried since your mother was pregnant with you for my parents to accept her as a member of the family my parents weren't excited for your mother and I when we told them that they were going to be first time grandparents." 

Later on, that night after Chris and I tucked Esmeralda, Abigail, and Jace into their beds and kissed them good-night Chris scooped me up in his arms and carried me to our room he gently laid me down in bed he crawled into bed with me and covered us up. I reached over and turned off the lamp I snuggled up beside Chris, he wrapped his arm around me I laid my head on his chest Anastasia came into the room and sat at the foot of the bed. 

"Mom why doesn't dads parent's want anything to do with us?" Anastasia asked curiously. 

"Your grandparents want nothing to do with you, Esmeralda, Abigail, or Jace because of me." I said. 


"Your grandparents never liked me because I don't come from money, I don't think your grandparents liked it too much that your father fell in love with a mortal, but my parents and granddad would have love you four very much." 

Anastasia hugged Chris and I good night she left the bedroom and closed the door behind herself Chris kissed me I looked at him and smiled. 

"Baby, I'm sorry that we had to move to a bigger house." Chris said apologetically. 

"I'm not upset about having four kids," I replied with a smile. 

"All the kids are witches like you," 

"Anastasia, Esmeralda, and Abigail are witches because they are female Jace is a warlock because he's male." 

I just laid there snuggled up next to Chris with my head on his chest I smiled contently listening to his heart beat he lightly stroked my arm. 

"I noticed that Anastasia is writing songs and playing guitar." Chris said proudly. 

"She wants to be just like you, and I couldn't be prouder of you my love you never gave up on your dream." I replied. 

"I wasn't going to give up because you believed in me when my parents didn't." 

"I'll always support you my love," 

Chris kissed me he pulled me closer to him I draped my arm across him we kissed each other good-night and drifted off to sleep.  

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