the symphonies

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"Two households, both alike in dignity (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene), from ancient grudge to break new mutiny, where civil blood makes hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins these two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,  whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth with their death bury their parents' strife."

Blah. Blah. Blah. Going over Romeo and Juliet for the five-hundredth time freaking sucked. 

"Damn, that sounds familiar," Jennie muttered, referring to the dumbass rivalry that she was stuck in the middle of.

"Yeah, everything up to the star-crossed lovers part. That'll never happen. We'll both be dead before a symphony and a harmony get together." Yeri scoffed back. 

"You never know, things can change, squirt," Jennie said, now paying zero attention to their theater history professor. It was a rather disliked required credit, and the only losers who actually enjoyed it was the theater kids.  (a/n no offense if you're a theater kid)

"Shut up, you know I hate that nickname," Yeri said turning over in her auditorium chair, arms crossed.

"Alright, class dismissed." The professor's voice sounded dejectedly through the rows of the large room. He knew that most everyone hated his class. Poor guy.

As the two friends were packing up, Jennie's phone buzzed on her chair.

"Hey baby, when are you getting out? I made you lunch. <3" 

Twas a text, from Jennie's girlfriend, the lovely, beautiful, slightly-like-a-mother-rather-than-a-girlfriend Irene.

"Aw~ how cute!" Yeri teased.

"You know you and Joy are the same way, so stop it. You also know that Irene and I have been kinda on the rocky side of things lately." Jennie cut Yeri's teasing with a sharp glare.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." Yeri was only half-sorry, and Jennie knew. "What's been going on lately with all that?" 

"Same old, same old. She's just being super overprotective of me, acting like my mom. " Jennie said sitting on a nearby bench once they exited the lecture hall. 

"What are you going to do about it?" Yeri asked, deciding to help her friend out of her predicament.  Yeri had decided when Jennie first came to her about this situation roughly four months ago, the couple needed to do something about it. 

They had started dating junior year of high school and were now juniors in college. Jennie was a rather independent soul, who needed alone time frequently, and Irene constantly wanted to take care of her. Sure, they were the most beloved couple of the symphonies, but they were coming up on more and more fights. Yeri had seen issues start to arise senior year of high school after their honeymoon stage of bliss had come to a halt. A screeching halt. They never did anything about them.

"It's probably time to call it quits. We've just fallen out of love. I've been thinking about it for a while, I just don't know how she feels about it... " Jennie poured out with a sigh.

"Well, don't stay in a relationship where love is absent. No matter how much it may hurt her, it will only damage both of you more in the long run." At that, Yeri stood leaving for her next class, leaving Jennie to sit in a pool of her angsty thoughts.

The girl actually found the little rivalry stupid, despite her leading role in it, which she had no desire to fill. It would be so much better if it didn't exist. She didn't want her only options to be amongst the symphonies. Then the two groups could intermingle, perform together, befriend each other, date. Every singer needs their player.

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