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Two majors, both alike in skillset, had carried a long-standing rivalry throughout the entire history of the private college where it was born.

The tale of the feud starts with the establishment of a small performing arts college in the countryside of South Korea. Kim Jaeyoon was among the first batch of students to complete his degree in music, more specifically cello, and Kim Jinwoo, who specialized in singing.

The two men started off as neutral acquaintances, neither friend nor foe, yet soon learned to detest one another. 

Jaeyoon was bubbly, while Jinwoo was stoic. 

He was carefree, while the other man was careworn. 

The cellist was could let loose, while the vocalist was uptight.

The two polar opposites were the reason why every student who followed in their footsteps bore similar attributes. 

The common hatred for the other group being the most universal.

They were the unspoken leaders of this feud. Everyone on campus, including professors, caught wind of the infamous relationship between the two groups very fast. The student body was small but held a very fiery hatred for each other that still carried on long after Jaeyoon and Jinwoo's tension-filled graduation day. The men had each married women of the same major, Jaeyooon's wife, Chaemin,  being a violinist, and Jinwoo's wife, Yuna, being a singer who specialized in opera.

Naturally, the feud stuck in their blood. They thought about their college days quite often. Their city was rather small, so it was not uncommon for one major to see the other out and about, and virtually nothing had changed. Except, maybe a few wrinkles. 

When they expanded their family, they had already planned their children's future. Jaeyoon's daughter, Jennie, would become a pianist, and the family could all be musically gifted together. Jinwoo's daughter, Jisoo,  would learn to perfect her voice, just like her older siblings did.  However, much to Jinwoo's dismay, his two first-born children had taken a liking to singing and performing, but not enough to major in it. Third times a charm, he supposed. Maybe he should keep her away from the idea of the rivalry.

Both fathers made sure that their daughters would attend their alma mater. They made absolutely, one-hundred fifty percent sure of it. 

The goal was for their girls to be an heiress of sorts, to their long unoccupied throne. They knew their rivalry had remained pristine, but that was the only information they had on its status. Now, with their daughters attending, their spiteful mindset was making a dramatic reappearance.

Little did the fathers know, their daughters would connect the two sides, not through hatred, but through its opposite.



hey gays

!!! i  have one disclaimer. on the cover and tags it says "jensoo and seulrene" but it will be primarily jensoo so if you came here for a lot of rv i'm sorry if you were mislead. the five of them will still be prominent characters though

stay tuned


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