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We shouted when my favorite singer, Billie Eilish appeared on stage. Her music is my jam. Watching her live is what I wanted to do the most and making it happen with the love of your life is perfect but not when she's busy with other girl.

My gaze dropped on Chaeng's arm around Lisa's shoulder and I felt a pang in my chest thinking that it should be me because I'm her girlfriend right here but unfortunately, she forgets me.

Before we went here, my mind keeps on imagining sweet things that would happen between Lisa and I. You know.. concert. Your favorite artist on stage singing one of your favorite songs while back hugging your girlfriend, or singing lines while looking at her are one of the few things I imagined which sadly stays on my imagination.

I step backwards trying to get away from them and I succeeded on not getting caught. One of my dreams is happening. I should be happy right? Who would be happy when your girl is not giving attention to you? Worse is she's having fun with other girl. I let out a sigh for God knows how many trying to enjoy the night.

After a while, I felt an arm in my stomach and a chin on my shoulder. No need to look who is it because that scent only belong to hers.

"I love you."

She whispered on my ear that sends shiver to my spine. I can't help but to smile a little. She really have that effect on my body. No one does it like her.

Then she tightened her grip and nuzzled on my neck. I felt her hot breath against mine which made me gasp. Thank God nobody notice or they just don't care.

"No fair"

She sang still on my neck. She has a very good voice but she doesn't want to admit it. Very humble, i must say.

I'm mad right? Why am I letting this to happen?

Then she left my neck that made me look at her completely disappointed to the loss of contact. She's already staring at me when I looked at her.

"You really know how to make me die
When you give me those cat-like eyes."

She sang changing some lyrics because I know that song by heart.

"I'm scared"

She took my hand and wrapped our fingers together not looking away.

"I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your cat-like eyes"

She then placed my hair at the back of my ear and cupped my cheek.

"Those cat-like eyes"

She stared at my eyes intently wanting me to get lost in her brown orbs.

Who gets mad at her for a long time? That's definitely not me. I just can't when she's like this.

"I love you poopoo"

She said and kissed my cheek. She then placed her chin on my shoulder again. Her arms are still wrapped around my stomach while our hands are still tangled. We swayed on the angelic voice of Billie Eilish singing ocean eyes.

This moment exceeds my imagination and perfect would be an understatement because this is purely magical. I will not have it any other way.

✒ the end ✍

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