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Once inside, I ran to my room and watched from my window. I assumed she decided not to go inside and see Mom.

Diego and Galena sat on our bench now. The bench by the bushes where we had sat and talked so many hours.

All of that seemed like forever ago now.

She leaned against him and he held her. That was supposed to be me. I was supposed to comfort her. But now I'm just known as the one who hurt her.

I didn't talk to anyone during the next week. But at the end of that week, today I couldn't escape it.

Knock knock.

"You can't come in." I quickly answered.

The door opened anyway. It was Diego.

"I said you can't come in."

"I know." He didn't care. "I've been talking to Galena."

I scoffed.

"She wants to see you."

"Why? So I can hurt her even more?"

He sat on my bed beside me. "Ben, she wanted you to know that she forgives you."

"Sure she does."

"Just talk to her. Talk to someone. You've been locked in your room for a week. You only come out for lessons and meals."

"Fine, I'll talk to someone. Just get out."

He stood to go to the door but didn't go out yet. He wasn't finished.

"Ben, She said she loves you."

His words hit me like a brick. I knew it was true but to hear someone else say it brought a new meaning.

"Okay." I spat as he closed the door behind him.

I felt humiliated. I should have never put myself in this situation.

Luther was right. I'm a monster. I hurt Galena, just like he said I would. Dad probably even knows by now, waiting for the right time to bring it up.

I wanted to talk to Klaus but he wouldn't be of any help unless I had killed her... the thought crossed my mind. It might be easier to talk to her if she was dead.

I could go to Mom and cry in her arms. It seemed like a good idea. She would understand. Especially if she was on full power.

Knock knock.

"I told you to go away."

Diego better not come in again. I won't talk to him if he does.

"Woah," a familiar voice said, not Diego. "I'm pretty sure you never told me to do anything." Klaus walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were Diego."

"Dang, that's almost an insult." I laughed for the first time in a week. "You look like you need drink."

He pulled a bottle out of his shirt and I wondered how it ever fit in there. "You know I don't drink, Klaus."

"There's a first time for everything." He smirked, filling the glass that had been sitting on my night stand for who knows how long.

He pleaded, "Just one drink."

"Fine." I took the glass from his hand as he sat down beside me. It wouldn't hurt. In fact, it might even help. Klaus always seemed so care free. Maybe I could too.

I took a drink.

"Well?" Klaus lit up with anticipation.

I let the taste settle in my mouth. "It burns a little but it's not bad. I just think too much of it would be terrible."

He clapped his hands together. "Finally! Someone to drink with! We can drown in our sorrows together now." He laughed.

"Not me. That's all I'm ever having. I just want to talk."

Klaus sighed. "Fine. That leaves more for me, I guess... now what is it you want to talk about?"

"Galena." It hurt to say her name now. It hurt me almost as much as I hurt her.

"Oh, I should have known... Luther has been saying some pretty nasty things. Also, you might want to watch out for Diego. I've seen him sneaking out to talk to her."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you don't know what happened?"

"Something happened?" He exclaimed. "Why don't I know about this? Is she pregnant? Are you the dad?Oh, I'm going to be an uncle!"

"No! Klaus, stop it. Nothing like that. Something worse."

He mumbled to him self. "How could anything be worse than being a dad at this age-"

"I hurt her, Klaus. I thought I could control my powers but I couldn't and I hurt her."

"Oh, Ben. I'm so sorry. Are you... over?"

"We need to be. I haven't talked to her."

"Haven't talked- what is wrong with you?" He stood rapidly, hovering over me with every word. "Is that why Diego has been talking to her? You're just going to let him swoop in because you're too chicken to take back your girl?"

"Diego said she forgives me."

"Then talk to her, for Christ's sake. Go out there right now and have a civilized conversation."


"Go. I'm not leaving your room until you agree to go." He crossed his arms and for some reason I saw a strange resemblance to Dad.

I didn't want to talk to Galena. But I also didn't want Klaus to keep nagging me on about it.

"Diego said she forgives you. He wouldn't be lying about something like that."

"But what if I hurt her again?"

He stepped closer to me, "Ben, you won't. You couldn't. I know you. Now go talk to her, hug her, kiss her, make some babies, I don't care. You just have to go."

"Fine. I will. I'll go talk to her. But no babies. Not yet."

He laughed. "Good."

✔️ MONSTER ➩ Ben HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now