our pact

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Luther and I had to share a bed and I didn't like it but I guess it's not as bad as Allison and Vanya having to share a room.

Honestly, I just wanted to be anywhere except where I was. Mostly, I wanted to be with Galena. But I guess I can't have everything I want in life. I will tomorrow though. Tomorrow we're going back home.

It had felt like years, even though it wasn't. I wasn't sure on the amount of days but our mission was complete. The good side, our side, won.

"Wakey, wakey." I felt Luther poking at me as he whispered in my ear.

"Bro, what the heck?" It was painful to open my eyes after a deep sleep. "What time is it?"

"It's only two o'clock." He shrugged.

"In the morning?" Why did I have to room with him? "Luther, what the actual heck? Is sleeping too much to ask for these days?"

"It is when you have me for a brother." He smirked and laughed to himself. He poked me again. "Now sit up. I want to talk."

Everything is different in conversation after midnight. Everyone knows that. But this. This was a prime example. Never in a hundred billion years would I expect Luther and I to be having a late-night talk.

"Ben, I've been thinking."

"Ooh sounds dangerous." I rolled my eyes and forced a laugh through my sleep deprivation.

"Yeah, it has been very dangerous." At least we agreed on something. "Now you've got to listen to me."

I burst out laughing. This was not going to work, especially imagining Luther and I bonding. And especially this late at night, or rather, this early in the morning.

Once I gathered myself, I noticed Luther had been laughing, too. Was this how Klaus felt when he drank? And more importantly, were me and Luther bonding?

"Okay, okay. Go. Say it. What have you been thinking?" I was ready to get this over with.

"I, Luther Hargreeves," he pointed to himself as if I didn't know who he was talking about. I wondered if he could have been drunk but then decided against it. One alcoholic per family was enough. "I have been thinking about you, Ben Hargreeves."

I could feel myself about to laugh again. The sweet delirium that comes without sleep. That's what it was. But before I could laugh, he continued speaking.

"But no. On a completely serious note, Ben. Your relationship..."

No. This wasn't going to happen. I was not going recieve dating advice from a brother I had never even talked to. "No way. We are not going there, Luther."

"We have to go there. Ben, I don't think it's going to work."

I rolled my eyes.

"No offense at all. But you're dangerous, man. Maybe she likes that. Maybe she likes adventure and that excitement around you. I don't know. I don't even know anything about her. But I think you're more dangerous than you know and if you hurt her..."

I started shaking out of anger. "Luther, I could never hurt her. You know I couldn't. Could you ever hurt Allison?"

He was taken aback. The conversation wasn't supposed to turn on him but it did. "No. No- well, not... intentionally. But that's what I'm telling you! That's my point! Allison could defend herself. But in your case..."

I should have known we weren't bonding. "I don't want to talk about this."

"You have to talk about it. Because what if something happens to her? You'll be heartbroken. Or what if something happens to you? The same case. I know I haven't been the best brother all these years but I promise you, Ben, I do care."

"You care?" I scoffed. "Do you care that if I don't ever see Galena again I'll be heartbroken? Do you care that I'll be heartbroken either way?"


"Yeah, I guess not."

I turned away from him. I didn't need to deal with his crap right now.

"Can you just promise me one thing?" His voice was softer now, almost comforting.

This wasn't the time to make promises I didn't plan on keeping. I wish Klaus were here instead of Luther. Or that I was back home in my own room, thinking about the events that could have happened with Galena.

Instead, I got the real world. And the real world doesn't care.

"Ben, listen to me." I turned back to face him. "I need you to promise me."

I reluctantly answered. "Yeah. What is it?"

"There's one more thing I've been thinking about. I feel like I can trust you with everything and that's no joke. I know something about you and I think it's fair that you know something about me."

He stared at me, waiting for a response. When I didn't answer, he went on.

"I shouldn't have feelings for Allison the way I do. It's wrong. I know. I'm not that dumb."

It was crazy hearing those words come out of his mouth. Especially after seeing the way they stare at each other nonstop.

"Ben, I know you disapprove, too. I've seen your eyes roll when I talk to her. So I'm going to propose a pact between just us."

What was there to lose? "Fine."

"If I promise you that I'll try to end this thing I have with Allison, will you promise to work something out with Galena?"

Every inch of bone, muscle, tendon, nerve, organ, and whatever else is in body wanted to say no. I could never end what I have with her.

I wanted to say no. "Sure."

It wouldn't hurt me to agree to it. He wasn't going to keep his end of the bargain, I knew that for sure. And if he didn't keep his end, that also meant I didn't have to keep mine.

I'm comfortable with Galena. More comfortable than I am with anyone - even Mom and Klaus. I was tempted to show her my powers just to prove Luther wrong.

I can control it now. Dad had told me himself. I couldn't ever hurt her. That's what I'm going to do - I'm going to prove Luther wrong.

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