Chapter 16

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Tris P.O.V 

Today marks the day I am 40 weeks and 3 days and I am so ready to have my baby girl. I can't sleep and when I roll over I see Tobias staring at me, I smile and then look at him and say "I want to try to naturally induce my labor Today" he gives me a smile and says "Okay, make me a list of things to buy" I nod and go into my office and get out my mac book and a note book and start a list. By the time i'm finished I have a list of ways to induce it but now I need to make a grocery list, the list for induction is,


spicy food



nipple stimulation

castor oil


supersize ball

primrose oil

I look at the clock on my computer and see it is only 4:30 in the morning, Tobias went back to sleep after I left the room which is fine because I don't want him to be grumpy. I decided I'm gonna go to school today so that I can do lots of walking. I start my grocery list for Tobias, which includes,


a yoga ball

primrose oil

castor oil

almond butter

lemon tea

apricot juice

black licorice

green papaya 

spicy curry

cinnamon sticks

I look at the time now and it is only 5:45 so I go into the bedroom and wake Tobias up. When he is up I give him the list. Then I tell him "We are going to school today because walking is supposed to stimulate labor so we'll see I have a whole list and a few of them will benefit you. He smirks and gets dressed then kisses me and leaves for the store. I walk into the closet to get dressed for Today  

By the time I am done Tobias is home we walk out to the car and we drive the 10 minutes to the school, when we get there we still have an hour and a half so I grab my pineapple and Papaya and a plastic fork and sit at the picnic table and eat that...

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By the time I am done Tobias is home we walk out to the car and we drive the 10 minutes to the school, when we get there we still have an hour and a half so I grab my pineapple and Papaya and a plastic fork and sit at the picnic table and eat that while Tobias sits next to me I look up and he's smirking at me. I giggle and then go back to eating until a half an hour passes and I hear squealing my head whips up and I turn around and Chris is there. She runs over and hugs me along with the rest of the girls and the guys come over and hug me, Chris checks out my outfit and nods then Lynn says "Why are you here you should be resting" I shake my head and then say "I am trying to induce labor and I found many methods" they all furrow their eyebrows and then Shauna says "Like what?" I giggle and then say "Spicy foods, Orgasms, um walking, pineapple, papaya" They all nod and then Zeke yells "WAIT DID YOU JUST SAY ORGASMS" I slap a hand over his mouth and nod my head I remove my hand and sit back down. They all sit down and I continue to eat my fruit. Once I finish I get up and throw away my trash and sit back down Tobias wraps his arms around my waist and I gasp and yell 'I'M GOING TO VISIT TORI" I stand up and walk inside with Tobias close behind, I walk inside and get major stares but ignore them I see Tori in the hallway and go up behind and ask "Miss me" She turns around and squeals "TRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I explain the whole inducing things and she nods her head. I walk back out to the car and grab the 2 prim rose pill and take them and then the bell rings so I walk to class. The tardy bell rings but I am 9 months and 3 days pregnant I am not rushing. I walk in the class late and the Teachers continues on their computer and says "Care to explain why your late" I think Ugh it fucking Mathews but I reply "Because I am 9 months and 3 days pregnant my first thought was getting this baby out not rushing to deal with you of all people" She growls and I smile and take my seat with Tobias beside me. He places his hand on my stomach and rubs soothing circles on it. I smile at him and I just stare at him all of class. The day goes smoothly and then It's time for lunch so I ask Tori if I can use the Microwave in the teachers lounge and she agrees so I go in there and heat up my Spicy Curry then I head to lunch and sit with the gang outside. I eat my Chilly easily since I was starving. After lunch I head to the gym to see my 2nd favorite teacher and Tobias ran out to get my Ball. I stand behind Amar and everybody is staring at me with a look of shock that the pregnant one came to class. Amar loses it and says "IS THERE SOMETHING ON MY FACE OR SOMETHING" I try not to laugh and reply "Nope just the fact you haven't noticed I am here" He whips his head around and sees me he hugs me and spins me around I laugh once he sets me down and he gives me a questioning look and then Tobias walks in and laughs "Damn did I miss it" I nod but then Zeke yells "I recorded it for you" everyone laughs and then gets to work on their laps while I bounce on the ball and talk to Amar with Tobias sitting on the bleachers next to me. Half way through class I get up and start doing squats while Amar stares at me shocked. I laugh and he yells to the class to stop I continue doing squats "I thought you guys did good at squats but now I watch the 9 month pregnant lady do squats better than you and realize ya'll asses are lazy." I laugh and then sit back down on the yoga ball and begin bouncing I do this for the rest of class and then decide to go home with Tobias. When we get home I quickly undress Tobias and then myself and 4 orgasms from me later we collapse and I start with the nipple stimulation. After 2 hours of nipple stimulation Tobias walks out and comes back in 5 minutes later with my castor oil shake. I drink it all and then bounce on the ball for a while.


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